Thursday, December 26, 2019
What Are Sawflies Learn to ID These Stingless Wasps
Sawflies dont have much of an identity of their own. As adults, they resemble flies or wasps, and when immature they look much like caterpillars. Theres no single neat and tidy taxonomic group to which all sawflies belong. Unless youre an insect enthusiast or perhaps, a gardener, you probably wouldnt know a sawfly if it landed on you. And if youve spent much time outside, one probably has! What Is a Sawfly? Theyre often described as stingless wasps. They get their common name from the females ovipositor, which unfolds like a jackknife. It functions like a saw blade, allowing her to cut into stems or foliage and deposit her eggs. People unfamiliar with sawflies may mistake this feature for a stinger, but theres no cause for concern. Sawflies are harmless to people and pets. Sawflies look somewhat like flies, but a closer look will reveal four wings, not the single pair that is characteristic of the order Diptera. Some sawflies mimic bees or wasps, and in fact, theyre related to both. Sawflies belong to the order Hymenoptera. Entomologists have traditionally grouped sawflies, horntails, and wood wasps in their own suborder, Symphyta. Sawfly Larvae Look Like Caterpillars Gardeners most often encounter sawflies when the larvae feed on their plants. At first glance, you might think youve got a caterpillar problem, but sawflies have behavioral and morphological differences that differentiate them from Lepidopteran larvae. If the larvae are all feeding along the leaf margins, and rear up their hind ends when disturbed, those are good signs that your pests are sawflies. Keep in mind that pest control products labeled for caterpillars, such as Bt, will not work on sawfly larvae. Most Sawflies Are Specialists Many sawflies are specialist feeders. The Willow sawfly, for example, defoliates willows, while several kinds of pine sawflies focus their feeding on pines. The table below lists some of the more common North American sawflies that might present problems in the garden or landscape, and their host plants. Within the 9 families of sawflies, we find some with unusual habits. Cephid sawflies live within the stems of grasses or inside twigs. Certain Tenthredinidae​ are gall makers. And perhaps the oddest sawflies of all belong to the family Pamphiliidae. These crafty sawflies spin silk webs or use their silk-producing glands to fold leaves together into well-camouflaged shelters. Common Sawfly Species in North America Common Name Scientific Name Preferred Host Plants black-headed ash sawfly Tethida barda ash columbine sawfly Pristiphora aquilegia columbine currant sawfly Nematus ribesii gooseberry, currant dogwood sawfly Macremphytus tarsatus dogwood dusky birch sawfly Croesus latitarsus birch elm sawfly Cimbex Americana elm, willow European pine sawfly Neodiprion sertifer pine introduced pine sawfly Diprion similis pine, especially white pine mountain ash sawfly Pristiphora geniculata mountain ash pear slug Caliroa cerasi pear, plum, cherry, cotoneaster, hawthorn, mountain ash red-headed pine sawfly Neodiprion lecontei pine, especially red and jack pine rose slug sawfly Endelomyia aethiops rose white pine sawfly Neodiprion pinetum eastern white pine willow sawfly Nematus ventralis willow, poplar yellow-headed spruce sawfly Pikonema alaskensis spruce, especially white, black, and blue spruce
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Effects Of Music On Children With Autism - 1476 Words
Each day that goes by more people are becoming aware of the problem of autism. With the overall number of children effected with autism increasing everyday, there is a panic to find a solution to better treatment and therapy. As a result, the costs of autism care could reach an all time high of well over one hundred billion dollars. Without proper research this number could rise even more. Therefore, there is a need for better groundwork to bring the predicted cost of autism care down. To assure that the explorartion will truly get done there needs to be someone who can appreciate the topic and I can fulfil that requirement, having an autistic nephew. There are many experiments in scholarly journals written by researchers trying to find out if music is truly an effective method of therapy on children with autism or if it is just a myth. Most of the information out there shows the effect of music on children with autism as positive. Whether it be with problems related to vocal stereo typy or lack of social skills, there are facts to back up the positive outcomes of the delving so far. However, there needs to be more research to make this known among autism associations. Everything on this Earth revolves around a small green piece of paper called money. Every person loves to save money whether it be ninety dollars or fifty cents. The benefits of researching this topic is saving money for the households that experience autism first hand, along with associationsShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Music Therapy On Children With Autism1406 Words  | 6 Pageshealing methods is Music Therapy. Music Therapy has been shown to help many people of all age groups, a specific group being children with autism. It helps benefit children with autism by improving their communication and social skills. Just simply listening to music calms and puts the brain at ease. Music Therapy is beneficial to this specific group because though they may have deficits socially, they show none w hen it comes to musical affect. This form of therapy allows autistic children to improve thoseRead MoreThe Effects Of Music Therapy On Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay2292 Words  | 10 PagesFrom 1997 to about 2007 the number of children with autism spectrum disorder has increase from 42,517 to about 258,305 and has risen since (Reschke-Hernà ¡ndez, 2011). With this rise of children who have autism, the rise of music therapy has since appeared greatly. When music therapy was first documented, the music was used in both group and individual settings. It was used with those who lacked social skills, those who needed rehabilitation, for self-expression, for psychological improvement and alsoRead MoreMusic And Children With Autism881 Words  | 4 PagesInformative Speech Topic: Music and Children with Autism Purpose: To inform audiences about the effect of music to the children with autism Thesis: Music effect children with autism in a powerful significant way. Introduction: †¢ Do you know that 1 in every 68 children in the United States has an autism? (Miriam, 2014) †¢ Boys are more likely to have autism than girl. †¢ What is autism means to us? In 1943, according to Dr. Leo Kannar who was the first described autism as a distinct condition thatRead MoreTherapies For Autistic Children.Individuals Take For Granted1678 Words  | 7 PagesTherapies for Autistic Children Individuals take for granted the luxury of embodying qualities such as communication, interaction, and social and motor skills. Although, individuals may determine the aforementioned skills are more difficult to obtain because of a disability. Autism or autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that effects many children in the United States of America. Communication, interaction, and motor and social skills are usually effected in the autistic child. Read MoreMusic Therapy and Children Essay1603 Words  | 7 Pagesal., 2002, p. 379). In the nineteenth century, there was a desire to use the sounds of music to minimize pain. In the 1980s, the use of music therapy was documented, but it had not proved any effectiveness (Barrera et al., 2002, p.379). Also, Munro et al. (1987) reported that the Greeks used music in psychology treatment (p. 1029). Music therapy was defended by Munro et al. (1987) as â€Å"the controlled use of music, its elements and their influences on t he human being to aid in the physiologic, psychologicRead MoreBenefits Of Music Therapy On Children Essay1651 Words  | 7 PagesBenefits of Music Therapy in Autistic children Benefits of Music Therapy in Autistic children Literature Review Zuleima Haskins â€Æ' Introduction Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a group of conditions of the brain development. (Vries, 2015). The main characteristic of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is that they have difficulties to adapt and interact with other people. Also, individuals with Autism have problems with their development of verbal and nonverbal communicationRead MoreTreatment Options Used for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder1440 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is known as a neurodevelopmental disorder that is capable of weakening communication, behavior and socialization. The term ASD includes three major subtypes which is Autism Spectrum Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder and Asperger’s Disorder. About 9.0 in 1000 children have ASD and certain types of autism might not be identified until three years of life. The probability of boys being diagnosed is higher compared to girls (Bravaccio et al. 2013)Read MoreThe Implementation Of Music Therapy Workshop Essay1398 Words  | 6 PagesResources. Time: Parents will need eight hours of proper training in the implementation of music therapy, such as songs, improvisation, and movement to music. Professional Proctors: Training will be provided alongside proctors in the eight-hour â€Å"implementation of music therapy workshop†to promote competence of the therapy. Money: Participants will be paid a stipend for participating for the duration of the workshop. An estimated financial need is $2,500. An $825 budget will be set aside forRead MoreMusic Therapy For Children And Adults With Learning Disabilities1662 Words  | 7 Pagestypes of literature on the topic of music therapy, the background of music therapy, how it takes place and how it helps clients with autism. A lot of the literature found on the topic music therapy found it helped children and adults with learning disabilities. This section of the dissertation will analyse the literature that is already available on music therapy and autism. It will also analyse literature on drug therapies. I will explore the history of music therapy how and why it is used, howRead MoreMusic Therapy For Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder1699 Words  | 7 Pagesfunctions in life. This special kind of creativity can help some children on the autism spectrum with regulating behaviors, help the m cope with anxieties and frustration, and improve focus and attention. This art may also help a child to socially interact with their peers. May also help a non-verbal child to open up and begin to communicate, whether it would be verbally or non verbally (New Hope for Autism: Music Therapy for Children with Autism and Asperger s Syndrome). Now imagine that you were a parent
Monday, December 9, 2019
Risk and Due Intelligence Blue Scope Steel Producers in Australia
Question: Discuss about the Risk and Due Intelligence Blue Scope Steel. Answer: Introduction Blue Scope is one of the largest steel producers in Australia with operations in Australia, New Zealand, North America and Asia. In 2002, the organization was demerged from BHP Billiton and renamed Blue Scope steel. It has headquarters in Melbourne, Australia and employs over 16,000 employees. It is one of the largest steel operating plants in Australia and has the largest plant in New South Wales. In 2011, the company decided to exit from the export market and reduced its production capacity by fifty percent (Blue Scope, 2017). In order to sustain in the market, the business organizations need to conduct thorough risk analysis of the organization and the business environment and implement appropriate risk mitigation strategies. In the vulnerability assessment, the business organizations identify different risks which it is currently exposed to or might get exposed in near future. There are some common steps in all the vulnerability assessment methods which include identifying the re sources and capabilities in a system, assigning importance to the risk in alignment with their probability of occurrence and impact on the organization, identifying the vulnerability or potential threat to each resources and mitigation of serious vulnerabilities. The vulnerability analysis is different from the risk analysis as risk analysis emphasizes on the object being studied whereas the vulnerability analysis emphasizes on the object being studied as well as on the surrounding environment (Zsidisin and Ritchie, 2008). The vulnerability assessment refers to the process of identifying, quantifying and ranking the vulnerabilities or the risk assessment in a business organization. The vulnerability assessment can be performed on an organizations or system. In the later section of report, precautionary recommendations are made which can mitigate the impact of the exposed risk. Vulnerability Assessment The vulnerability analysis is focused towards the mission of the system or the organization and ensuring its survival in the industry. In the vulnerability assessment, the organization can focus on extended set of threats and consequences, resources which can mitigate the risk in the system and identification of the disruption time wherein stability can be created in the system. In the vulnerability analysis, two types of risk can identified, namely, downside risk and the upside risk. The downside risk refers to the pure risk whereas the upside risk refers to the speculative risk. The pure risk is a category of risk in which loss is the only possible outcome. In order to mitigate these risks, the organization can buy insurance. It includes safety hazards. In contrast to pure risk, the speculative risk refers to the category of risks which can have both good as well as bad outcome. Risk associated with share market or successful completion of projects comes in the category of project risk. In the vulnerability assessment, the success factors of the organization as well as the assets to the organization are identified and potential threat to them is identified (Dalezios, 2017). Success Factors Blue Scope is one of the largest steel producing organizations in Australia. Although, the organization has exited from the international operations, it has a strong customer base in the country. It has a strong brand image and abundant physical resource as it is backed by BHP Billiton. The success factors of the Blue Scope can be identified as it public image and consumer confidence, ability to perform the operations accurately, its physical resources, customer loyalty and its human resources (Camilleri, 2016). Threats: The threats can be identified as factors which can bring harm to the operations of the organization. A business organization is constantly exposed to a large number of threats which includes natural hazards, manmade hazards, plant failure or failure of supplier or the aggravation by the workers of the organization (White, 2014). Similarly, Blue Scope is also exposed to a large number of threats of natural and man-made hazards. Any natural hazard such as smoke, fire or explosion can impact negatively on the operations and the profitability of the organization. The organization deals with the manufacturing of steel; therefore, furnaces and fires are a part of the operations of the organization. Therefore, it has high vulnerability to get exposed to the fire hazards and explosion. Other threats include the failure in some sections of plant which can halt the operations of the organization. It is important to keep high maintenance of the steel plant so that no such risk can occur. If the suppliers are not able to supply the raw materials necessary for the operations or fail to do it in adequate quality, it can impact on operations of organization. It is important for the organization to recruit skilled and talented staff because if it failed to do so, it will impact on the operations of the organization (Lewis, et al., 2006). Vulnerability Assessment: In the vulnerability assessment, vulnerability refers to the physical entities which can be attacked or harmed by the external forces. In this regard, the vulnerability of the organization can be categorized as physical vulnerability, personal vulnerability or notional vulnerability. In the physical vulnerability, the threat to the physical property of the organization can be identified. The physical property of an organization can be equipment, money or buildings (Allen and Derr, 2015). The equipment can be damaged; buildings can be damaged by fire or other hazard, money or financial assists can be stolen. The personal vulnerability refers to the harm to the human resources of the organization. The employees of the organization can be exposed to several hazards such as injury or vehicle accidents, ill health, chemical exposure and increase in stress due to overtime or lack of work-life balance. In steel manufacturing companies, the people are exposed to several chemical and workplac e injury hazard (Rausand, 2013). In addition to it, the organization is also exposed to notional risk which refers to the exposure to the vulnerability which can damage the public image of the organization or change the perception of the organization in front of its stakeholders. The image of the organization can be tarnished by failure of its major plants, confidence loss due to financial loss of the organization or disruption in the business due to the incompetence of supplier. The physical vulnerability refers to the harm to the physical property of the organization. Critical success Factors /// Threats People On-time Delivery of Product Product quality Equipment Assets Compliance Shareholder Satisfaction Equipment Failure High Impact Impact Medium Impact Discrimination High Impact Impact Impact Fire/Explosion High Impact High Impact High Impact Impact IT Infrastructure failure Medium Impact Medium Impact Supplier Failure High Impact High Impact High Impact Changes in Regulation High Impact High Impact High Impact Lack of Skills High Impact Low Impact Low Impact High Impact Precautionary Analysis In the above section, a large number of vulnerabilities have been identified which can harm the business. Blue Scope is a steel business organization which is also exposed to several different vulnerabilities. It is important that the organization develop vulnerability control or treatment plans so that it can minimize its exposure to different risks. In the below section, several precautions are discussed which can reduce the impact of vulnerabilities identified for the organization (Camilleri, 2016). Equipment Failure: The equipment failure refers to the failure of the major equipment of the organization or plant, which can impact on the operations of Blue Scope organization. The business organization should buy equipment and all the components from reputable organizations. Buying the products from high quality vendors will assure their quality and longevity. Moreover, the before installing a new system or equipment in the organization, the company must provide training to all the employees so that they can easily handle the equipment. If the untrained employees will handle the product, it can result in equipment damage (Lewis et al., 2006). Whenever a new system is employed in the organization, it can result in employee grievance as they need to require learning how to operate it. The organization can minimize this dissatisfaction and ease the learning process by keeping the basis of the product operations on the designs of the previous products. The designing of the product can also be enhanced, when an experienced professional handles it (Menoni and Margottini, 2011). Employee Discrimination: Employee discrimination is one of the serious issues in the business organizations. Blue Scope is one of leading organization which deals with the steel production. Due to the complexity of operations, a large number of employees are hired from all across the globe. It is important that all the employees work in close harmony with each other. Moreover, in certain situations, the women employees also face gender discrimination. The discrimination impacts negatively on the productivity of the employees and create mental stress for them. In order to combat it, the organization must design stringent policies which can control the employee discrimination. The HR manager should also implement strategies to create a positive organization culture within the organization so that the employee discrimination could be minimized in the organization (Matsukawa and Habeck, 2007). Fire and other Natural Hazards A business organization cannot prevent the natural disasters to happen; however, it can remain vigilant in the structure designing so that the impact of these disasters can be minimized. It is important to adhere to the safety standards and measurers in the construction of the building so that the impact of the natural disasters can be minimized (Sadgrove, 2016). IT Infrastructure Failure In order to combat the failure of the IT infrastructure, the organization should provide employee training so that the employees can operate basic IT related operations. Moreover, the organization should also hire employees who are dedicated for smooth operations and maintenance of the IT infrastructure of the organization (D'Addario, 2013). Supplier Failure In order to address the supplier failure, the organization should try to establish ling-term relationships with the suppliers which are based on the mutual trust. Threat Critical Success Factor Proposed Control or Treatment plan Equipment Failure Productivity of the organization Buy equipment from experienced and reputable suppliers Provide Training to the employees for proper handling of the equipment Easy designing of the product A comprehensive design review process Experienced Design Professional Discrimination Employee Satisfaction Human Resource manager Effective HR policies Strict action against discrimination Fire/Explosion Service Capability, flexibility, Implementation of safety measures Construction of building and plant according to the safety standards Effective HR policies Training employees for safe handling of equipment IT Infrastructure failure Customer satisfaction, Employee productivity Employee Training for handling IT related task Hiring employees to maintain the IT infrastructure of the organization Supplier Failure On-time Delivery and Establishing long-term contracts with reliable and experienced contractors (Snedaker,2013) Reducing the reliance on one supplier by buying from more than one supplier Changes in Regulation Compliance, employee and customer satisfaction The management should remain aware regarding the changes in regulations and laws and implement them to avoid legal actions Lack of Skills Productivity and Efficiency Employee training, Recruitment of skilled employees (Smith, 2016) Conclusion It can be concluded that vulnerability assessment is crucial for the business organizations to maintain sustainable operations in the organization. Blue Scope is leading steel manufacturing organization in Australia which has operations all across the globe. The vulnerability assessment refers to examination of the potential risk faced by the system as well as the surrounding environment. It has been identified that the safety risk and the maintenance of the organization structure are critical risk to the organization. The business organization can implement several strategies and methods to address these vulnerabilities. It includes implementation of HR policies which can reduce the instances of workplace discrimination in the organization. Other than that, the organization must construct its plant and other site according to the safety guidelines. The organization should also focus on establishing long term relationships with its suppliers to increase their reliability and build tr ustworthy relationships. References Allen, G. and Derr, R. (2015). Threat Assessment and Risk Analysis: An Applied Approach. Butterworth-Heinemann. Blue Scope. (2017). About us. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 8 May 2017]. Camilleri, E. (2016). Project Success: Critical Factors and Behaviours. CRC Press. D'Addario, F.J. (2013). Influencing Enterprise Risk Mitigation. Elsevier. Dalezios, N.R. (2017). Environmental Hazards Methodologies for Risk Assessment and Management. IWA Publishing. Lewis, P., Goodman, S, Fandt, P. and Michlitsch, J. (2006). Management: Challenges for Tomorrow's Leaders. Cengage Learning. Matsukawa, T. and Habeck, O. (2007). Review of Risk Mitigation Instruments for Infrastructure Financing and Recent Trends and Developments. World Bank Publications. Menoni, S. and Margottini, C. (2011). Inside Risk: A Strategy for Sustainable Risk Mitigation. Springer Science Business Media. Rausand, M. (2013). Risk Assessment: Theory, Methods, and Applications. John Wiley Sons. Sadgrove, K. (2016). The Risk Mitigation Handbook: Practical steps for reducing your business risks. Routledge. Smith, J.BB. (2016). The Art of Integrating Strategic Planning, Process Metrics, Risk Mitigation, and Auditing. ASQ Quality Press. Snedaker, S. (2013).Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning for IT Professionals. Newnes. White, J.M. (2014). Security Risk Assessment: Managing Physical and Operational Security. Butterworth-Heinemann. Zsidisin, G.A. and Ritchie, B.(2008). Supply Chain Risk: A Handbook of Assessment, Management, and Performance. Springer Science Business Media.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Narrator Description Essays - Style, Fiction, Point Of View
Narrator Description What is narrator? Narrator is the voice the author creates to tell the story. The possible ways of telling a story are many, and more than one way can be worked into a single story. Conventionally, the various narrators that storytellers draw upon can be grouped into four broad groups: the third-person narrator, the first-person narrator, the omniscient narrator and the witness narrator. After reading William Faulkner's "A Rose For Emily" ,Edora Welty's "A Worn Path", Richard Wright's "The Man Who Was Almost A Man" and Katherine Anne Porter's "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall", I want to discuss what type of the narrative voice the four writers create in their own stories. A witness narrator is who tells only what they see or hear through their perspectives. For example, in William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" which is about an insane woman who kills her man and sleeps with the dead man for ten years, I can find that there is an example of witness narrator. The author, William Faulkner, uses the Jefferson town people as witness to create the town's view about Emily. After the town noticed there was a stinky smell from Miss Grierson house , they asked Judge Stevens to "send her word to stop it"( Faulkner,337). The town people discussed about the stinky smell from Emily 's house, they were the observers. A first-person narrator is when the narrator speaks using "I" or "We" pronouns. We can see such first-person narrator in both "A Rose For Emily" and " The Man Who Was Almost A Man". Faulkner uses the town people as observers in "A Rose For Emily" but his we, though plural and representative if the town's view of Emily, is definitely a first-person narrator. Just as in the article where it says "We did not say she was crazy then. We believed she had to do that. We remembered all the young men her father driven away, and we knew..."(338).
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