Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The effects of cell phones in the busness workplace Research Paper - 1
The effects of cell phones in the busness workplace - Research Paper Example Not unusually for breakthrough technology, the cost of a Motorola DynaTac in 1983 was $3,995.00, which, in today’s terms and taking inflation into account, would be in the region of $8,500. (1) The cost of acquisition, however, was overall perceived to be outweighed by the benefits of the new technology and the status conferred on those who used it. The race to produce more affordable, smaller and more versatile handsets for a market that could only grow is till showing little sign of slowing. Gartner Says Worldwide Mobile Phone Sales Grew 17 Per Cent in First Quarter 2010. (2) Figures released in 2002 by the International Telecommunication Union (3) reveal that, in terms of units per person, Taiwan topped the list at 106.45 per 100, with Burma at the bottom. Weighted average was 59.3 per 100, with the United States at 48.81. The cost of initial models confined sales almost exclusively to the business sector, and indeed the benefits were immediate and enormous. On another level, the magical new device lent an aura of power to its owner; if you were in a position to purchase one of these vastly expensive, exotic devices, you clearly needed to communicate with other powerful, decision-making corporate warriors. Either that, or you were a very savvy criminal (3), which, to some sideline observers not yet equipped to enter the game, was also an exotic and enviable career. So we can safely say that the cell phone changed business for the better as soon as it became clear that to not have one was a disadvantage. Let us call this ‘Effect One’, the addition of a vital tool to the company toolbox, sometimes one you had to earn by distinction until the price enabled the purchase of a handset for personal use. It needed little to no effort to sell this new, potent symbol of progress and dynamism. It also introduced a set of changes
Sunday, October 27, 2019
History and Impact of the Smart Phone
History and Impact of the Smart Phone INTRODUCTION This report is regarding the smartphone which is used nowadays worldwide. In this modern world, almost every person is using a smartphone, even kids know how to use a smartphone. With the help of computers and laptops, we are able to complete all our necessary works with the help of these. After the invention of smartphones, people think that, some of their work can be completed with the help of a smartphone. We can carry our smartphones where ever we go as we cannot take our computers. A smartphone provides us a wide range of facilities. We can say that a smartphone can be also called as a mini computer because it gives almost all our facilities which can be done with a computer. Smartphones are at affordable cost ranging from  £100 to  £900. Figure 1: Different smartphones HISTORY Smartphones has almost features like a computer. They have a great history. In the early years Simon was the first to develop a mobile phone with software and touch screen in the year 1994. In further Years different smartphones with different operating systems have been invented. Nokia came forward and invented its 1st smartphone in the year 1999. In 2003 Motorola launches its smartphone. Apple in 2007 invented its smartphone with IOS operating system. Now, there are many types of smartphones with wide range of facilities. OPERATING SYSTEMS Each company developed their own smartphone with their respective operating systems. There are abundant smartphones, buying a smartphone with a good operating system is also necessary. Each mobile company have their own operating systems. Android, IOS, Windows phone, blackberry are some operating systems of their companies. Samsung smartphones have Android operating system which was developed by Google. Android smartphones got a huge response and they have been sold in a large number. An another operating system with extraordinary features is IOS which was developed by Apple Inc. After introducing Apple Smartphones, they received a huge response. An another operating system which was developed by Microsoft is Windows phone. Every Smartphone company are developing day by day their operating systems and trying to attract their users as much as they can. Figure3: Different operating systems INTERACTION AND ITS APPLICATION APPLICATIONS, ITS USES AND EFFECTS ON SOCIAL LIFE: In the world of technology, each smartphone has a different operating system. In the same way applications are very important for the users as it provides all. Day by day new applications are developed and introduced in this world for the use of smartphones. A wide range of applications are available to all users nowadays, how smartphones are important the applications for the smartphone are also important. Applications which are available for us provides us a wide range of facilities like to buy or sell goods, internet banking, watching movies, listening to songs, playing games. Access to internet in smartphones gives us various facilities which can be done by using a computer. Before different applications were introduced it was difficult to use these kind of facilities which we are using these now. Communication is now an important aspect in our life, we can interact with people all over the world. With the use of social apps like facebook and twitter, we can get a lot of information what is going all round the world and in the same way it effects our daily life, as we are daily watching news many people got addicted to these social apps and lost their lives. Interest in games in a limit is acceptable, but some people make playing games as their habit and playing whole the day is not good. A recent game Pokemon go which was introduced now a days became popular, while playing we assume that we are in a real world inside the game, many people started playing this game and a number of people lost their lives too playing this game. Texting friends always has become a habit to many people and this may result affecting their studies too. Figure4 :Different applications in a Smartphone INTERACTION: The interaction design for Apple IPhone is very attractive when compared to the remaining smartphones. Apple IPhone has a very well user interfaced design and good usability compared to android smartphones. The first apple IPhone has been released in the year 2007, year after year they have been releasing new models with better interfaced design and introducing new updates. Figure5: IOS vs Android I would like to draw a contrast between IOS and Android devices. Android is available on many phones like Samsung, HTC, LG and Sony, were as IOS is available in iPhones, iPod, iPad. According to Simon hill, interaction design of apple iPhone is better than the android devices. He illustrated that the android devices have basic customizable home screens, app drawer, pull down notifications. Where it is perfectly uniform across all IOS devices. Apple, after undergoing major design its platform is bright and it has modern feeling. More people like to use Apple IOS devices because it has well designed user interface, its speed and its usability. But the file transfer in Apple devices is quiet difficult compared to the android devices where it is easy to transfer files to it. There is good Security in IOS devices compared to android devices. According to Pfeiffer, Apple IOS has been rated better in user experience compared to android. 3D BASED INTERACTION: Figure6: Figure showing 3d based interaction Now a days 3d based smartphone interaction is widely spread and people are enjoying it. According to Alejandro Rodriguez, these 3d capability, touch input and a very high compute power made smartphones attractive with visualization and a good 3D interaction. With these kind of 3d interaction people get attracted towards the smartphones and try to buy smartphones with 3D interaction. CONCLUSION: Well, I would like to conclude this report with some key points. Smartphones are important to us, but its usage should be in limit. Using it all the time will affect the humans very badly. As we have a number of uses from it we have too many disadvantages too. They are revolutionary which makes things very useful to the humans as it gives a wide range of facilities like talking to people all over the world, texting, games, internet facility, online banking, and etc.. But reports showed that many people are using smartphones continuously always checking their phones, texting and playing games. This may make our brain defective. All smartphones with respective operating systems are good with their software. All applications available in our app stores in our respective smartphone devices are almost good but some are harmful. In kinds of user interface I suggest that Apple IOS devices are good compared to the remaining devices. REFERENCES: Smartphone (2016). . In Wikipedia. Retrieved from Bloom, P. (2016, November 14). How Smartphones are killing conversation. Retrieved November 23, 2016, from Hill, S. (2016, October 31). Which smartphone OS wins 2016? Android Nougat vs. IOS 10 vs. Windows 10 mobile. Retrieved November 23, 2016, from Alejandro Rodrà guez Alejandro J. Leà ³n. Smartphone based intearction. Retrieved November 23, 2016, from Android vs iOS difference and comparison. (2014, April ). Retrieved November 23, 2016, from Nield, D. (2016, July 29). Android vs iOS: Which is the best mobile OS? . Retrieved from Pfeiffer. Retrieved November 23, 2016, from user experience report, DeGroot, Z. (2015, April 9). Smartphones replacing human interaction. Retrieved November 23, 2016, from LIST OF FIGURES: Figure1: Smartphones. (2016, November 7). Retrieved November 23, 2016, from Figure2: Smartphone (2016). . In Wikipedia. Retrieved from Figure3: Smartphones with operating systems. (2013, May 1). Retrieved November 23, 2016, from Figure4: smartphone with applications. Retrieved November 23, 2016, from Figure5: Ios vs android. (2016, February 8). Retrieved November 23, 2016, from Figure6: Alejandro Rodrà guez Alejandro J. Leà ³n. Smartphone based intearction. Retrieved November 23, 2016, from
Friday, October 25, 2019
William Wallace :: essays research papers
William Wallace: What is the True Story? For generations, William Wallace has been a hero to Scotland and a patron of freedom. After Mel Gibson’s portrayal of Wallace in the award winning movie, Braveheart, there was a dramatic rise in the popularity and recognition of the Scottish hero. The story of William Wallace has been passed down through many different generations. These generations include people of English, Scottish, and Irish decent, a few among many. All of these different cultures have passed down different versions of stories and records about William Wallace. Since there are many different stories about the same man, historians and scholars find it difficult to determine the actual truth about William Wallace and his past. As a result, historians are often left with conflicting opinions about who William Wallace really was. Historians, therefore, disagree on such issues as the date of his birth, birthplace, facts concerning Wallace’s elimination of English tyranny in Scotland, and the roles Wallace played in battles with the English. In this paper I am going to show the conflicting views about William Wallace’s life. I will use a wide variety of sources including the movie Braveheart’s script, Internet web pages, and written history in order to support my thesis. I will conclude with the fact that William Wallace was truly a worthy patriot of his native country Scotland. He fearlessly led his fellow patriots into battle, and gained freedom for Scotland from the tyrannical rule of the English King, Edward I. In May of 1995 the film Braveheart came out in theaters. Braveheart is mainly a biographical movie about William Wallace. It portrays Wallace as a tall, strong, and brilliant man and military soldier. On many occasions, it shows Wallace defeating the English Army, which always outnumbered his troops. His most famous battle at Stirling Bridge is what many consider to be his most glorious battle. It is the battle in wh ich he was outnumbered the most and in which he triumphed over this obstacle and managed to win freedom for all of Scotland. Braveheart, however, was written by Randall Wallace and directed by Mel Gibson. Both men are of Scottish decent and thus would have portrayed William Wallace in a great patriotic light. This is not meant to mean William Wallace was not a hero, but the two may have exaggerated such things as battles, intelligence, etc. The movie, however, seems to avoid certain conflictions about his life.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Communicative Approach
MY BEST APROCHE IN ENGLISH LANGUAJE TEACHING : THE COMMUNICATIVE APPROCHE I. Problems in the present English teaching and causes of these problems II. Introduce the communicative approach 1. The definition of communicative approach 2. Two principles of communicative approach †¢ Create a realistic situation †¢ The class should be students-centered III. Adopt communicative approach to improve students ability to listen and speak, and achieve the goal of English teaching 1. Three stages in communicative teaching 2. Communicative activities in class . Achieve the goal of English teaching through communicative approach IV. Conclusion ____________________________________________________________ _________ Abstract Language is a means of communication. Although it is not the only form of communication among human beings, it is certainly the most important. English teaching is to teach the students how to communicate with each other, to train the students good and complete language ability, to express their ideas correctly and to easily adjust themselves to every kind of social situation. English teaching is a case in point. This paper is to discuss some problems of present English teaching approach, to state the principles and advantages of communicative approach, and to give some advice on how to make the English class more communicative and improve the student’s ability of listening and speaking. I. Problems in the present English teaching and causes of these problems As present, English teaching reform has been carried out in schools, some teaching reform has been succeeded, but there are still some problems in English teaching. The students who have had several years of training in English with classical approaches are still unable to actually use the language. For example, the students can’t understand what the teachers have said and they can’t express themselves, their ability of listening and speaking is not up to standard, and also they can’t communicate with others in English. Now the teachers have been faced with the problem of improving the student’s ability of listening and speaking. II. Introduce the communicative approach 1. The definition of communicative approach Communicative approach refers to the theory of teaching according to the principle that the students and teachers should genuinely communicate with each other using the target language. 2. Two principles of communicative approach Among the numerous principles of communicative approach, there are two pieces of principles, which are more important English teaching. 2. 1 Create more realistic situation The current teaching methods don’t emphasize the real world situations and fail to cultivate student’s spontaneity. Artificial conventions and mechanical question-and-answer sequences fall short of the flexible, spontaneous kind of communicative interaction required for performing a task with the context of situation relevant to the real world. Such classroom teaching forces learners to talk about things that are not of their own choosing and not based on their actual needs. Taught in this way, the learners frequently fail when they are faced with the read to produce the language related to a specific situation. Simulation techniques seem to be a better alternative, as they seek to place learners in a situation where they are asked to take on different roles and to. Accomplish their specific tasks, including problem solving. They offer an opportunity for the learners to practice using the language in the right place at the right time and as appropriately as possible. The most obvious advantage of these kind of techniques is that it puts the learners in realistic situations. By simulating the physical circumstances of certain situations, the students can have the opportunity to use and to practice the sort of language, particularly the vocabulary related to that situation, so that learners are rehearsed for real life. In addition, they can express what they want to say whenever the situation calls for it. The teacher provides the best conditions for learning through creating the realist situation. 2. 2 The class should be students-centered The focus of classroom should be shifted from the teacher to students. The teacher does most the talking and always has the whole class under his strict control by lecturing, questioning, correcting students and often supplying correct answers to the exercises. In such a class, the teacher is obviously the most authoritative person. Students always act according to what the teacher wants them to accomplish put not what they themselves want to accomplish. So it appears that sometimes, even if the students have understood the text they are reading, they do not have the courage to speak out when called upon, for fear that they may not be right. The class should be learners-centered. Communicative approach makes learners to be themselves and requires the classroom instructor to play a secondary role, trying to keep focus on the students not on himself and encouraging students to communicate among themselves. The role and relationship between the teacher and students are fixed by the students-centered principle. It is to say that the students are the main part in communication, while the teacher helps the students to communicate. III. Adopt communicative approach to improve students ability to listen and peaking 1. Three stages of communicative teaching The teacher can divide the student’s learning into three stages: 1. – The first stage, the teacher is a sort of information: he selects material to be learnt and presents it so that the students can understand it and remember it as clearly as possible. The students may do little talking but they should by no means be passive. 2. – The second stage is the p ractice stage. Let the students do the talking organized from cue by the teacher: this practice should be meaningful and memorable. 3. The third stage makes the students to be allowed, under the guidance of the teacher, to use the language freely, even if they make some mistakes as a result. This requires a more flexible attitude from the teachers to mistakes, if the student is constantly stopped and corrected, then eventually he will become discouraged and cease to be motivated to speak. If the students can use the language for themselves, then they become aware that they have learnt something useful and are encouraged to go on learning: perhaps the most important factor is to keep up motivation in the learning process itself. We always talk about listening and speaking together. We must be aware of the fact that oral communication is a two-way process between speakers and listeners. In our class, both the teacher and students are speakers and listeners 2. The class communicative activities Communicative activity provides opportunities for positive personal relationships to develop among learners and teachers. Because of the limitation of the classroom, this requires the teacher to create more various social situations and relationships in the class. 1. Simulation: Learners are asked to imagine themselves in a situation which would occur outside the classroom, and they are asked to behave as if the situation really excited. 2. -Role-playing: is one method of getting the students to imagine they are someone else and play that part. 3. -Discussion: They must present their views in a more public context, there are sticker rules governing who speaks, when and to whom, and a higher level of formality is expecte d. The student’s ability of listening and speaking can be improved in discussions. 4. Interaction: There will also be increasing scope which gives learners greater responsibility for creating the interaction themselves. 5. -Pictures: Extremely useful visual aid. Pictures of people and places are much more interesting than ordinary objects. This is another chance for group work and genuine discussion. Other teaching aids are important techniques for creating a wider variety of social situations and relationships. Communicative activities are very important in language learning. It may be useful to consider briefly what the teacher might hope to achieve through the communicative activity in the classroom. Since this will determine his own attitude toward it and what he gives it in his overall methodology. The learners ultimate objective is to take part in communication with others. Their motivation to learn is more likely to be sustained if they can see how their classroom learning is related to this objective and helps them to achieve it with increasing success. . IV. Conclusion The traditional methods of teaching do not allow the learners to express their own ideas, activities and personality, which is though t to be important especially for students. For example, mechanical drills do not allow the students to express their own ideas, therefore, they will not be interested in listening, and their listening efficiency will be impaired. Under the present situation, communicative approach is a better way to improve our English teaching. For the teachers, the new method means more varieties to devise the lessons; for the students as well, the new method more opportunities to practice their listening and speaking, and to have the freedom to express themselves. Thus, the communicative approach makes the teaching more fulfilling. Just as some linguists have said: English language teaching should be made of communication by communication and for communication. English language teaching is an interdisciplinary subject for which human communication is an important source. The communicative approach is no doubt a manifestation of how this theory can be applied in the student’s English learning. It is a good teaching method to improve the student’s ability of listening and speaking. Communicative Approach MY BEST APROCHE IN ENGLISH LANGUAJE TEACHING : THE COMMUNICATIVE APPROCHE I. Problems in the present English teaching and causes of these problems II. Introduce the communicative approach 1. The definition of communicative approach 2. Two principles of communicative approach †¢ Create a realistic situation †¢ The class should be students-centered III. Adopt communicative approach to improve students ability to listen and speak, and achieve the goal of English teaching 1. Three stages in communicative teaching 2. Communicative activities in class . Achieve the goal of English teaching through communicative approach IV. Conclusion ____________________________________________________________ _________ Abstract Language is a means of communication. Although it is not the only form of communication among human beings, it is certainly the most important. English teaching is to teach the students how to communicate with each other, to train the students good and complete language ability, to express their ideas correctly and to easily adjust themselves to every kind of social situation. English teaching is a case in point. This paper is to discuss some problems of present English teaching approach, to state the principles and advantages of communicative approach, and to give some advice on how to make the English class more communicative and improve the student’s ability of listening and speaking. I. Problems in the present English teaching and causes of these problems As present, English teaching reform has been carried out in schools, some teaching reform has been succeeded, but there are still some problems in English teaching. The students who have had several years of training in English with classical approaches are still unable to actually use the language. For example, the students can’t understand what the teachers have said and they can’t express themselves, their ability of listening and speaking is not up to standard, and also they can’t communicate with others in English. Now the teachers have been faced with the problem of improving the student’s ability of listening and speaking. II. Introduce the communicative approach 1. The definition of communicative approach Communicative approach refers to the theory of teaching according to the principle that the students and teachers should genuinely communicate with each other using the target language. 2. Two principles of communicative approach Among the numerous principles of communicative approach, there are two pieces of principles, which are more important English teaching. 2. 1 Create more realistic situation The current teaching methods don’t emphasize the real world situations and fail to cultivate student’s spontaneity. Artificial conventions and mechanical question-and-answer sequences fall short of the flexible, spontaneous kind of communicative interaction required for performing a task with the context of situation relevant to the real world. Such classroom teaching forces learners to talk about things that are not of their own choosing and not based on their actual needs. Taught in this way, the learners frequently fail when they are faced with the read to produce the language related to a specific situation. Simulation techniques seem to be a better alternative, as they seek to place learners in a situation where they are asked to take on different roles and to. Accomplish their specific tasks, including problem solving. They offer an opportunity for the learners to practice using the language in the right place at the right time and as appropriately as possible. The most obvious advantage of these kind of techniques is that it puts the learners in realistic situations. By simulating the physical circumstances of certain situations, the students can have the opportunity to use and to practice the sort of language, particularly the vocabulary related to that situation, so that learners are rehearsed for real life. In addition, they can express what they want to say whenever the situation calls for it. The teacher provides the best conditions for learning through creating the realist situation. 2. 2 The class should be students-centered The focus of classroom should be shifted from the teacher to students. The teacher does most the talking and always has the whole class under his strict control by lecturing, questioning, correcting students and often supplying correct answers to the exercises. In such a class, the teacher is obviously the most authoritative person. Students always act according to what the teacher wants them to accomplish put not what they themselves want to accomplish. So it appears that sometimes, even if the students have understood the text they are reading, they do not have the courage to speak out when called upon, for fear that they may not be right. The class should be learners-centered. Communicative approach makes learners to be themselves and requires the classroom instructor to play a secondary role, trying to keep focus on the students not on himself and encouraging students to communicate among themselves. The role and relationship between the teacher and students are fixed by the students-centered principle. It is to say that the students are the main part in communication, while the teacher helps the students to communicate. III. Adopt communicative approach to improve students ability to listen and peaking 1. Three stages of communicative teaching The teacher can divide the student’s learning into three stages: 1. – The first stage, the teacher is a sort of information: he selects material to be learnt and presents it so that the students can understand it and remember it as clearly as possible. The students may do little talking but they should by no means be passive. 2. – The second stage is the p ractice stage. Let the students do the talking organized from cue by the teacher: this practice should be meaningful and memorable. 3. The third stage makes the students to be allowed, under the guidance of the teacher, to use the language freely, even if they make some mistakes as a result. This requires a more flexible attitude from the teachers to mistakes, if the student is constantly stopped and corrected, then eventually he will become discouraged and cease to be motivated to speak. If the students can use the language for themselves, then they become aware that they have learnt something useful and are encouraged to go on learning: perhaps the most important factor is to keep up motivation in the learning process itself. We always talk about listening and speaking together. We must be aware of the fact that oral communication is a two-way process between speakers and listeners. In our class, both the teacher and students are speakers and listeners 2. The class communicative activities Communicative activity provides opportunities for positive personal relationships to develop among learners and teachers. Because of the limitation of the classroom, this requires the teacher to create more various social situations and relationships in the class. 1. Simulation: Learners are asked to imagine themselves in a situation which would occur outside the classroom, and they are asked to behave as if the situation really excited. 2. -Role-playing: is one method of getting the students to imagine they are someone else and play that part. 3. -Discussion: They must present their views in a more public context, there are sticker rules governing who speaks, when and to whom, and a higher level of formality is expecte d. The student’s ability of listening and speaking can be improved in discussions. 4. Interaction: There will also be increasing scope which gives learners greater responsibility for creating the interaction themselves. 5. -Pictures: Extremely useful visual aid. Pictures of people and places are much more interesting than ordinary objects. This is another chance for group work and genuine discussion. Other teaching aids are important techniques for creating a wider variety of social situations and relationships. Communicative activities are very important in language learning. It may be useful to consider briefly what the teacher might hope to achieve through the communicative activity in the classroom. Since this will determine his own attitude toward it and what he gives it in his overall methodology. The learners ultimate objective is to take part in communication with others. Their motivation to learn is more likely to be sustained if they can see how their classroom learning is related to this objective and helps them to achieve it with increasing success. . IV. Conclusion The traditional methods of teaching do not allow the learners to express their own ideas, activities and personality, which is though t to be important especially for students. For example, mechanical drills do not allow the students to express their own ideas, therefore, they will not be interested in listening, and their listening efficiency will be impaired. Under the present situation, communicative approach is a better way to improve our English teaching. For the teachers, the new method means more varieties to devise the lessons; for the students as well, the new method more opportunities to practice their listening and speaking, and to have the freedom to express themselves. Thus, the communicative approach makes the teaching more fulfilling. Just as some linguists have said: English language teaching should be made of communication by communication and for communication. English language teaching is an interdisciplinary subject for which human communication is an important source. The communicative approach is no doubt a manifestation of how this theory can be applied in the student’s English learning. It is a good teaching method to improve the student’s ability of listening and speaking.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Lab report Essay
Preparation is a key to success in this lab. For this reason, you are required to thoroughly read through the experiment information presented in the lab manual, and complete a pre-lab for each experiment you do. The prelab must be completed prior to the day of the experiment. Each Friday I will ask to see your completed prelab before I allow you to enter the lab. If you have not finished the pre-lab, I will not allow you to enter the lab and you will receive a zero. Note: Your prelab/lab report is to be done in your carbon copy lab notebook (sold in FIU bookstore) A complete pre lab has the following sections: I. Title of the experiment This is the name of the experiment as written in your lab manual. (ex. Experiment 1: MEASUREMENTS AND DENSITY DETERMINATION) II. Purpose or Objective (purpose and objective are the same thing) This section should be a couple of sentences SUMMARIZING why you are doing this experiment. This must be in your own words. (ex. For your first experiment on density determination and measurements your objective would be something like : †To become familiar with scientific measurements and the importance of recording measurements accurately and precisely. Also, to explore the concept of density, mass , and volume.†) III. Introduction In this section, in your own words you should discuss the important concepts of the lab. You should try to make this section flow from one concept to the next. You should make sure to include any important formulas mentioned in your lab manual for that particular experiment. (ex. A good way to organize an introduction for the density determination experiment would be something along the lines of: Experimental sciences such as chemistry, use measurements to quantify information about the physical world. Density, which shows the relationship between the mass of an object and its volume is an example of one such concept. The formula used to calculate the density of an object is D=M/V†¦. ) **What I want you to pay attention to in the above example is that I have extracted information from the lab manual and condensed it into a logical paragraph that explains some of the important concepts. Notice that I did not include any â€Å"fluff†(useless information to make my intro duction longer.) Remember that there is no minimum length for any of your sections so you don’t have to worry about adding in anything that is not pertinent to the lab (unless you actually want to include some background info to help develop your ideas.) IV. Procedure This section should be concise. List each step of the procedure in either numbered format or you can use bullet points. Remember to always use PASSIVE language when writing lab reports. Never use I placed HCl into a 50mL beaker, instead say 50 mL HCl was placed in a 50 mL beaker. (ex. 1. Wash a 50mL beaker with deionized water 2. Into a 50mL beaker, add 2mL HCl etc†¦you get the point. ) Tip! If you look at your lab notebook, you will notice that there is a line down the middle of the page. When writing your procedure it is in your best interest to list your procedure on the left side (leaving a space between each step) so that you can list observations on the right side of the page when you’re performing the experiment, however, this is only a suggestion and not a requirement. V. Data As part of your pre-lab you must have all data tables already copied into your lab notebook. These tables have already been provided for you in your lab manual, so all you are required to do is copy them (neatly please) directly into your notebook. Recap: In order to be let into the lab you must have completed your pre-lab. Your pre-lab consists of the following five sections listed above (title, purpose, introduction, procedure and all data tables provided for you in the lab manual.) Remember that after you complete the experiment and you have recorded all of your data, you must complete the following sections: calculations (if any), discussion, and results. Check your lab manual for more information on what to include in these sections. Post lab instructions: Once you have completed an experiment you must complete a lab report. A complete lab report consists of the sections you completed as part of your prelab and a few additional sections which I will detail below. Lab reports are due exactly one week from the day you complete the lab. If you are making up a lab, your lab report is still due one week from the day YOUR LAB SECTION completed the lab. If you have any questions about this, please ask me 🙂 All labs must be turned in by 6 pm. If you choose to turn in your lab after class you have to get it time stamped from the stock room before you place it in my mailbox. If you fail to get it time stamped, I will consider it late and points will be deducted accordingly. Post lab sections to be completed after you have done the lab: VI. Calculations You will have to do calculations for some if not all of your experiments. If they are required, your lab manual will let you know. VII. Discussion (a.k.a conclusion) This is the most important section of your lab report. In this section you should discuss and tie together the concepts and theory discussed in the introduction. This section should include the results of your experiment, a brief discussion of any graphs you had to generate, identity of your unknown (if applicable) etc. Make sure to explain if these were the results you expected and why. If not, list possible sources of error. REMEMBER there is no minimum length required so you can make this section as long or short as you find necessary to cover all the important aspects of your experiment. If you need help with any part of your lab report please email me or come see me during help hour. I’m here to help you and I want you all to do well in this lab!
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Abortion Essays (708 words) - Abortion In The United States
Abortion Essays (708 words) - Abortion In The United States Abortion Abortion The founding of our nation was forged on the principle that all men are created equal. This is the essence of our Declaration of Independence and the philosophy behind the Constitution. We, through history, have made certain that all people in this country have equality before the law. We have set up the premise that all people are equal before the law. We have declared that there is no such thing as sub-humans and that no human being's rights are superior to another human being. If we want to live by the premises that we set up in this country, than we cannot overlook any human being, no one can be excluded. There is, however, a class of human beings that is being denied the right to life: the unborn baby. The human species is only fully grown at adulthood. Many of us here are not adults yet, and by that definition, it wouldn't matter if youre shot and killed on the street because youre not fully developed. We are in a stage of development teenager just like a child is, just like a toddler is, just like an old man is, and just like an aborted child is. There is no magical transformation that occurs when a child is born. He has the same basic needs to survive before he is born, and the same needs after he is born. Anyone who tries to tell anyone else that the baby in the mothers womb is not a human or doesnt matter is a downright liar. They want you to believe that an unborn child cannot feel pain. If you accept that an unborn baby is not an eating, breathing, moving, human inside of a woman then their life can have no value. Can an unborn child feel pain? Of course it does, it is a human being, and as a human being it has five senses. How would you like to be in your mothers womb and all of a sudden be stabbed in the back of the head with scissors and your brains sucked out? In a suction abortion, sometimes the baby will struggle to get a way, but theyre no match for the vacuum. The abortionists will tell you that your baby is just a piece of tissue, which makes it easier to have an abortion, they will also tell you that it will just be a burden on your life and youre making the right decision by committing murder and taking away that babies constitutional rights. If you accept that an unborn baby is not a eating, breathing, moving, human inside of a woman then their life can have no value. Now lets talk about the moral issues. If youre going to go out and have sex, you need to take the consequences and have the baby. Even if you dont want it you can put it up for adoption, you dont have to take the easy way out and slaughter it. Our country went through and the world went through a long period of time where Whites believed that Blacks were actually sub-human! If someone accepted that a Black person was a sub- human, then it became easy to continue slavery, and it became easy to abuse or ignore his or her rights to life. We have disproved this premise in modern time, not ignoring the facts. We cannot hide it! Killing a living human being is murder and murder is against the law and murder against God. Would want to have been an aborted child. Would you have wanted your life to be cut, before you could even be born into this world? When I was inside my mother, No one could ask me if I valued my life. I wouldn't have a right to live. If you were aborted you would not have a chance to ask for your life. If abortion is murder, then can we let this continue? There are approximately one million abortions every year in the United States. Bibliography Work Cited Carton, Jean. Who Broke The Baby? Minneapolis, Minnesota: Bethany House Publishers, 1997 Alcorn, Randy. Pro Life Answers to Pro Choice Arguments. Portland Oregon: Multnomah Books, 1994 Crutcher, Mark. Lime 5. Denton, Texas: Life Dynamics, 1996
Monday, October 21, 2019
Ciscop Systems essays
Ciscop Systems essays Great job opportunity for highly skilled computer technicians which may land you in a multi-million dollar career. (Vass, 16) That was what I read on the magazine just a couple of weeks ago. I thought that it was another one of the authors jokes. He thinks that all great jobs are taken by highly educated people, which I think he doesnt think I fit quite well in. So I thought that that was all a joke, but I was wrong. Late that night I was surfing the net looking for a site to work on for my term paper and I found Cisco Systems. I was reading it and thought everything about Cisco Systems seemed to be basic stuff that I already know. So I kept on pondering around the internet, surfing, figuring things out about Cisco Systems. My mind seemed to brighten up, filling up with information which I know, told me that Cisco Systems was not just for geniuses. Cisco Systems is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. Cisco's networking solutions connect people, computing devices and computer networks, allowing people to access or transfer information without regard to differences in time, place or type of computer system. (, 2 March). In my knowledge of Cisco Systems job opportunities, the career seems to be the most influential, most generous, and most integrity-driven company in history. The Company's past success is due in large part to building a world class senior management team that has been able to effectively evaluate competitive, marketplace, and global economic challenges and then move quickly to take advantage of these market opportunities, which I know that I truly am capable to take part in and give them a boost in. Future success shall be determined by how I and this team continues to execute goals for success, together if and when I am employed with. The Cisco Networking Academy Partnership Program is de...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
5 Ways to Trump Your Career
5 Ways to Trump Your Career Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is not going away anytime soon. While there are plenty of â€Å"what NOT to do†tips we can take from his long and controversial career, there’s no disputing the fact that his billions in the bank came from somewhere. And although Trump is a pretty unique phenomenon (no matter what you do to your hair to try to emulate his signature ‘do), there are definitely some takeaways that we can apply to our own careers. 1. Get investors.Trump inherited money from the family real estate business, and used this to get started with his own investment career. Now, most of us don’t have millionaire parents (at least not before this week’s Powerball drawing), so we’re not working with that kind of startup capital. But these days we have a ton of great crowdsourcing tools, if you have a small business or an idea that you want to bring to life. Sites like give you the opportunity to bring investors into your prof essional life.2. Don’t give up.Some choices will just not pan out, whether it’s a job you hate or your Atlantic City casino going belly-up. Trump’s professional entities have gone through a number of bankruptcy proceedings over the years, yet here he still is. The most important idea to take from this is that there’s always another opportunity. Learn from your losses and frustrations, and be ready to leave them behind and try again somewhere else.3. Realize everything comes down to the deals you make.Trump is synonymous with the phrase â€Å"the art of the deal.†It’s debatable whether political deals are exactly the same as business deals, but a philosophy that Trump clearly takes to heart is one that states that you will never get ahead if you don’t negotiate for yourself. That can apply to salary negotiations, working with your boss, or even managing relationships with your colleagues. Always look out for your own best interests.4. Try new things.How many billionaire businessmen can you remember hosting Saturday Night Live? When I was a kid, Donald Trump was THE go-to businessman. In later years, he started to branch out more into the entertainment industry- not the most intuitive path for someone with a Wharton business degree. And after that ran its course (with endless seasons of Apprentices and Celebrity Apprentices running around New York trying to organize soft drink launch parties to curry favor with The Donald), he took another odd turn- this time into politics. Reinventing yourself is necessary to stay out of professional ruts.5. Find talented people around you.The whole premise of The Apprentice was taking a successful person (Trump) and finding new and fresh talent to bring into his professional orbit. It’s a formula that has worked in a number of industries (every Gordon Ramsay cooking show seems to feature a chef-ship in one of his restaurants as a prize), and can work in the real world as well. No one, not even Trump, can manage an empire alone. The key is to find people around you who bring knowledge and skills that you might not have, to make sure you’re performing your best. If you’re a manager, that might mean hiring diverse talent. If you’re not a manager, that might mean bonding with a variety of different coworkers, or finding a diverse range of people to add to your network.If you like what The Donald has to say, you are likely already paging through your copy of The Art of the Deal for the third or fourth time. But even if you can’t imagine yourself ever voting for him on Election Day, it’s not the worst thing to stay open to the idea that there are things he can teach us about our own careers.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Evalucation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Evalucation - Essay Example Below are the evaluation methods that are going to be employed: In order for the project to be a success, a proper understanding of the targeted public is prime. In order to understand the public a couple of data collection methods has to be involved. These will include surveys and questionnaires (Dennis 2). There will also be small groups conducting outreach programs to outsource detailed information. In the evaluation of this stage of the campaign, the use of data from the surveys and questionnaires shall be analyzed. The information on interviews collected by the outreach groups will also be analyzed. The evaluation points should be based on the opinions and attitude of the public. If the full demographic information achieved is convincing (positive attitude and opinion), then moving to the next step will be smooth and easy based on the information at hand (Dennis 4). This campaign employed giveaways, brochures, events, promotions, social media and media outreach as the tactics that would enable the creation of a strong public relation and awareness to make them register with Park on Morton student apartments. The evaluation of each or a combination of the above mentioned is pertinent as this is the point in which the campaign fails or flourishes. The best way to attract the attention of the public is through the use of Giveaways and Brochures. There will be free T-Shirts, lanyards, pens sunglasses and well-designed water bottles. To evaluate the effect of the Giveaways and Brochures, the focus will me on the way the public receives them and their attitude towards them. If this process is a success, there are a couple of things that are likely to occur: there will be an improved customer visit to Park on Morton offices for registration and inquiries. The events will be conducted in collaboration with local companies such as Bloomington Bagel Company and Kilroy’s on Kirkwood, Dunkirk and spots.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Analysis of the FTAA Case Study and the FTAA after Action Reports Essay
Analysis of the FTAA Case Study and the FTAA after Action Reports - Essay Example As the paper stresses, this mission is regarded as the largest joint law enforcement operation in Miami’s history and perhaps the country’s as well. While the operation had its fair share of pitfalls, the FTAA action was overall successful because the Summit went on uninterrupted and thousands of protesters worked out their freedom to free speech. This paper touches on key challenges and their cause, viable solution to such problems, ramification of solutions, and policy recommendation by the county board commissioners. The analysis will focus on the three after Actions reports by the city of Miami PD, and civilian investigate panel report and the independent FTAA review panel. After the end of FTAA summit, it was time to reflect and evaluate the performance the combined law enforcement and identify the challenges experienced. At-least with reference to the after action reports, the challenges arose from the way operation was conducted and were further heightened by aggressive protesters’ tactics. The first two reports however are little biased because they are compiled the two protagonist groups – the law enforcement and the protesters as each party try to blame the other. The independent review panel is the most reliable because it not only involved all parties at arriving conclusions, but also it used interviews or public hearings to identify the real challenges. The key issues included training, organization and deployment, non-unified command, excessive use of force, labor concerns, and communication. Prior to summit, a series of law enforcement training for the FTAA was initiated because of the unprecedented in capacity, concentration and the huge number of command agencies. The Miami Police Department Commander headed this six-month exercise.
Apocalyptic Eschatology and the Delay of Parousia Essay
Apocalyptic Eschatology and the Delay of Parousia - Essay Example 2006). Parousia is Greek word which means presence or arrival. In an ancient Greek speaking world, it was used to describe the ceremonial visit of a ruler or the apparition of a god. In the New Testament it is used of the appearance or coming of the glorified Christ at the close of salvation history (Harrington, W.). The Pauline epistles are the fourteenth books in the New Testament that has been ascribed as to the Apostle Paul. The epistles of Paul have influenced the Christian theology and ethics. The epistles include controversies in the Christianity, his views and observation on several books in the Old Testament. Pauline epistles are divided in different subgroups depending on whose church he addressed to. The subgroup are as follows: Epistles to the Romans, First Epistle to the Corinthians, Epistle to the Galatians, Epistle to the Ephesians, Epistle to the Philippians, Epistle to the Colossians, First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, First epistle to Timothy, Second epistle to Timothy, Epistle to Titus, Epistle to Philemon, Epistle to the Hebrews. Paul on his writings assumes that the basic temporal scheme fo Jewish apocalyptic speculation which make mention of the two ages, the Old Age under Satan and the New Age God's power will dominate. He believed that God's sending of his Son, Jesus Christ had already inaugurated the New Age; yet the event had not wholly obliterated the Old Age with its powers of sin and death. For him the ultimate outcome of the apocalyptic would be the victory of the Old Age, because God struck the decisive blow for freedom in the cross. In Corinthians 2:8 the crucifixion was attributed as to the ruler of the Old Age, which refers to both the political authorities involved and to the demonic powers at work in and through them. Thus, according to Paul, the cross will symbolize the strange power of God, a power made perfect in weakness. God affirmed this power by raising Jesus Christ from the dead, by sending the Holy Spirit, and by establishing the Church as the foundation of his New Age. The Pauline eschatology lies between the older documents in which the Chiliastic view appears and this later efflorescence of it in 4 Ezra and Baruch. It is affirmed that Paul expects a double resurrection, one of a certain class of the delay of Parousia, and that of the remaining dead at the consummation of the world before the judgement, and that he places the glorious reign of Christ between these two resurrections1. According to the Pauline epistle addressed to the Roman church both the righteous and the wicked will be judged on the same day: "But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who " who will render to each one according to his deeds: eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honour, and immortality; but to
Scientific inquiry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Scientific inquiry - Essay Example ccording to National Standards for Science Education (NRC, 1996, p.23), scientists learn about the natural world in diverse methods on the basis of evidences derived from their work and they propose explanations for the study. The scientific inquiry includes some core elements such as ‘making observations, posting questions, examining information sources, planning investigations, analysis and interpretation of data, proposing answers, explanations and predictions, and communicating results’ (NRC, 1996, p.23. Cited in Simonson & Schlosser, p.2). Thus science and scientific inquiry are differentiated in various respects; the later tries to acquire knowledge about natural world through an assortment of observations and investigations whereas the knowledge obtained through the scientific inquiry constitutes science. I/O psychology refers to Industrial and Organizational psychology which is also called work psychology or organizational psychology or talent assessment. In the opinion of Spector (2003: 6) ‘the application of psychological principles to organizational settings’ and people at work in the organization is called Industrial and Organizational psychology. The primary objective of this branch of psychology is to preserve the ‘health and well-being’ of employees and thereby it helps the organization to ‘get the most from their employees or human resources’ (Spector. Cited in Furnham, 2005, p.2). Even though science and scientific inquiry are the fundamental elements of I/O psychology; scientific inquiry benefits more than science in the field of I/O psychology. In today’s complex business structure, priority is given to HRM strategies and thus organizational psychologists mainly concentrate on behavioral science and psychology. They analyze in dividual’s behavior through a sequence of processes such as close observations, interviews, investigations and interpretations. Organizational psychologists also make use of science for the thorough
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Managing across culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Managing across culture - Essay Example The aspect of culture can also be used towards supervising locally recruited employees. Samovar, Porter & McDaniel (2009) posit to the effect that understanding the mode of communication within a business culture is an asset for proper and peaceful interaction of business people and the locals. In order to excel in business, it is important to have the right cultural facts about the citizens living in a particular society. This helps business to design its strategies so that they are able to absorb the cultural shocks that may emerge in the course of their activities. Cultural shock is a concept which entails that â€Å"any move from one country to another will create a certain amount of confusion, disorientation and emotional upheaval and this is called culture shock,†(Robbins, 1993, p. 78). ... This reflective report will try to provide detailed information regarding hierarchy, gender roles, communication and relationship, greetings, and social interactions in US which can affect a business venture I intend to set in this country. A conclusion based on the findings of secondary research will be given at the end of the report. Business Culture of United States United States is the third largest country in the world and it is one of the best performing economies across the whole world. It borders with Canada, Mexico, pacific, Atlantic oceans, and Caribbean Sea and its population in the year 2007 was estimated to be 301,139,947 (Moran, Harris & Moran, 2010). There are many ethnic groups in the US and it is believed that the whites occupy the largest percentage of about 81.7% while other groups such as black occupy 12.9%, Amerindian and Alaska 1%, Asian 4.2%, and Hawaii and Pacific Islander 0.2% (Moran, Harris & Moran, 2010). Research has shown that United States has a wide ran ge of cultures hence most people who stay in America have their ancestral connections that belong to another culture. In most cases, their ancestral cultures are in Scotland, Germany and Ireland. A comprehensive analysis of cultural diversity has been done by Geert Hofstede who found that national culture has a major impact on employees’ work related values and attitudes (Robbins, 1993). He found that managers and employees vary on five dimensions of national culture namely individualism versus collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, quantity versus quality of life as well as long term orientation. According to studies, rich countries like the US are very
Comparison of two Asian Megacities Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Comparison of two Asian Megacities - Term Paper Example Also the internal migration brought about a rapid change with regard to the economical, social, political and demographic aspects of these cities which in turn became mega cities. It will be interesting to study Mumbai and Bangkok in the above mentioned context. Demographics: Mumbai-formerly known as Bombay until 1995- is the capital city of Maharashtra state, India; but is well deservingly called the commercial and financial capital of India. It is also one of the world’s most densely populated mega cities. Its population of lately has reached a whooping 16 million mark. As per the wikipedia information â€Å"As of 2009, Mumbai was named an Alpha world city. Mumbai is also the richest city in India and has the highest GDP of any city in South, West or Central Asia.†Mumbai is popularly known as a cultural melting pot as one finds migrants from all regions of India settled here and many more pouring in daily. Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand. Its population is ab out 9 million. It is the largest urban city of Thailand popularly known as the city of angels. Bangkok is perhaps the most apt example of a city representing a population of diverse cultures. confirms that â€Å"Bangkok has a true international culture with a sizable population of immigrants from China, Japan, India, America, Europe, Taiwan, South Korea, Nigeria, Malaysia and Singapore. Bangkok is also believed to be a host for a good number (approx. 400 – 600 thousand) of illegal immigrants from Cambodia, Myanmar (Burma), Russia, Ukraine, Pakistan, Nigeria, India, Bangladesh, China, and other countries.†Economy: In older times Mumbai’s economy revolved around its cotton textile industry. Textile industries still bear a lot of importance in Mumbai’s economy. But as a result of globalization Mumbai has emerged as an epicenter of a large number of economic activities. gives the current account of Mumbai’s financial str engths mentioning that â€Å"Mumbai is home to some of India's largest and wealthiest industrial conglomerates, such as the Aditya Birla Group, Godrej, and Tata & Sons. More specialized economic activities are diamond cutting, computers, and movie making (in sheer numbers, Mumbai, or "Bollywood," produces more movies than any other city in the world, including Hollywood). In addition to manufacturing, Mumbai is a leading commercial and financial center. The city is home to the Reserve Bank of India, the Mumbai Stock Exchange, and a variety of other major financial institutions. The government and service sectors are also important in the city's economy.†Bangkok too is the financial center of Thailand. At one time, the major source of income in Bangkok was agriculture. But over the period of time it has solidified Thailand’s economy through establishing itself as the commercial center of not only Thailand but also Southeast Asia for imports and exports. Referring to Ba ngkok industries reveals that †Food processing, textiles, and the production of building materials are the chief manufacturing enterprises. Other industries include cement, electronics, petroleum refining, and tourism.†The presence of Bangkok stock exchange and a majority of banks in Bangkok confirm the city’s status as the financial center of Thailand. Environmental Issues: The local politicians, administrators play an important role in the growth of a city in general. But Mumbai perhaps is the worst example
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Managing across culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Managing across culture - Essay Example The aspect of culture can also be used towards supervising locally recruited employees. Samovar, Porter & McDaniel (2009) posit to the effect that understanding the mode of communication within a business culture is an asset for proper and peaceful interaction of business people and the locals. In order to excel in business, it is important to have the right cultural facts about the citizens living in a particular society. This helps business to design its strategies so that they are able to absorb the cultural shocks that may emerge in the course of their activities. Cultural shock is a concept which entails that â€Å"any move from one country to another will create a certain amount of confusion, disorientation and emotional upheaval and this is called culture shock,†(Robbins, 1993, p. 78). ... This reflective report will try to provide detailed information regarding hierarchy, gender roles, communication and relationship, greetings, and social interactions in US which can affect a business venture I intend to set in this country. A conclusion based on the findings of secondary research will be given at the end of the report. Business Culture of United States United States is the third largest country in the world and it is one of the best performing economies across the whole world. It borders with Canada, Mexico, pacific, Atlantic oceans, and Caribbean Sea and its population in the year 2007 was estimated to be 301,139,947 (Moran, Harris & Moran, 2010). There are many ethnic groups in the US and it is believed that the whites occupy the largest percentage of about 81.7% while other groups such as black occupy 12.9%, Amerindian and Alaska 1%, Asian 4.2%, and Hawaii and Pacific Islander 0.2% (Moran, Harris & Moran, 2010). Research has shown that United States has a wide ran ge of cultures hence most people who stay in America have their ancestral connections that belong to another culture. In most cases, their ancestral cultures are in Scotland, Germany and Ireland. A comprehensive analysis of cultural diversity has been done by Geert Hofstede who found that national culture has a major impact on employees’ work related values and attitudes (Robbins, 1993). He found that managers and employees vary on five dimensions of national culture namely individualism versus collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, quantity versus quality of life as well as long term orientation. According to studies, rich countries like the US are very
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Customer Service Excellence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Customer Service Excellence - Essay Example Further theoretical insights would be rendered in terms of understanding potential service strategies that needs to be developed or followed in by organisations to gain an enhanced space in the target market for its products and services. The Case of Google The level of consumer trust for the online services rendered by Google in terms of operating as an effective search engine and faster networking site has countered problems owing to the failure of the company to sustain the parameter of privacy. Google is found to have entered with a contract with another online advertising firm DoubleClick thereby servicing the same with encrypted information relating to the Internet Protocol or IP Addresses of the users through their clicking on the search engine to retrieve results. This activity of the concern is taken as a breach of trust for the user base spread around the world in that the company failed to inform the same about the reason for their merger with DoubleClick. Moreover the org anisation looking after elements concerning electronic privacy also mentioned about the same as a case of deception in trade practices for the online company. This case strongly reflects in how the deceptive practices of Google in terms of its merging with the online advertising company happens to potentially disturb the privacy of users in terms of conducting online surfing. Thus the level of trust for Google actively declines in the online user sphere (Pasquale, 2010, p.405). The Case of Starbucks The case of Starbucks also reflects a reduction in the level of consumer satisfaction and trust in savouring coffee preparations from its different outlets owing to reduction of focus on customer servicing standards. Starbucks is found to focus on moving over to an opening spree where it focuses on opening a large number of different outlets spread along a small region. These large number of outlets created in a closed network tends to increase the level of competition between the differ ent outlets thereby cannibalising its own sales and consumer force. Moreover the company is also found to focus on diversifying into sales of compact discs such that the initial focus of the company on developing its coffee brand goes for a toss. Thus other small coffee brands operating in the same sector are found to gain the lead over Starbucks to help gain over cultivating a larger market share. It is also found that the brand identity of Starbucks in the coffee market is easily copied over by other firms like McDonald’s and similarly by Dunkin Donuts in terms of enhancing their product and service portfolio. This fact adds to the problem of the company in failing to sustain the consumer trust and loyalty (Smale, 2008). The Case of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) The case of Royal Bank of Scotland reflects that how the banking corporation happened to strike on a low customer servicing event owing to the emergence of a software problem. The software of the bank was held for up gradation matters that in turn created a problem for the bank executives in servicing the needs of its customers pertaining to banking transactions. The
Monday, October 14, 2019
Food Scarcity in Djibouti
Food Scarcity in Djibouti Djibouti is a small arid country in Eastern Africa. It has extremely important and convenient transshipment facilities at the mouth of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Its terrestrial neighbors are Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia. Maritime neighbor is Yemen. Djibouti has a convenient geographical position in means of trade. Its capital and main port Addis Ababa transports about 60 percent of Ethiopian export goods. Djibouti has a lot of problems. Its climate is arid. There are few fertile lands in Djibouti. Neighboring Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia impose additional tension in the region. Conflicts between Somalia and Eritrea adversely affect Djibouti. Bilateral ties between Djibouti and Eritrea were suspended in the period of 1998-2000. Such instability harms Djibouti and aggravates its economic lagging. Djibouti’s population comprises two main ethnical groups: Muslim tribe Issai with Somalian origin and Afars with Ethiopian origin. Scarcity of food and water are the most severe problems in Djibouti. There is also lack of expertise in dealing with these problems (Zoungrana, 2013). High unemployment and high food prices exacerbate the situation. The local government is seemed to be unable to improve the situation. The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWSNET) reports, that Djiboutis urban centers like Balbala, Radiska, and Baulaos suffer food insecurity. Moreover, rural areas encounter food insecurity, too. Imed Khanfir, a programme adviser with the UN World Food Programme (WFP) reports, that about 42,600 people are severely food insecure with 24,300 others moderately food insecure in Djibouti. An overall population is 774,389 citizens by 2012. USAID provide Djibouti with food aid for 150,000 or one-fourth of the overall Djibouti’s population. Unstable economic situation is aggravated by the instant threat of the civil war between the tribes of Issais and Afars. Thus, the leader of ethnic groups dealt to share positions in the government. When the president is Issais’ representative, the prime minister must be of Afars’ origin. The Cabinet of Ministers positions also ought to be distributed among Issais and Afars. In 1990s Issais managed to usurp the whole government. This fact caused Afars’ outrage and provoked a civil war in Djibouti. Another Djibouti’s problem is an undemocratic and authoritarian tendency. Djibouti’s president Ismail Omar Guelleh has already served two terms as a president of the country, but 2010 Constitutional amendment allowed him to be reelected for the third term. Nevertheless, international community and U.S. are seemed to tolerate such situation because of the Guelleh’s agreement to erect US military base and anti-terrorist center in Djibouti. U.S. military base brought stability in the region, but did not eliminate all problems and threats. On the one hand, Djibouti was severely affected by the drought which hit the region in 2011. The number of drought influenced people rose from 120,000 in 2010 to 206,000 in 2011. Drought impact was aggravated by a large influx of refugees fleeing the conflict and drought in Somalia and other neighboring countries. This adds enormously to the burden on the already overstretched social service system. Another huge problem in Djibouti is its government inability to respond quickly the situation due to the elections. Every election makes government stagger and implement different initiatives very slowly. Electoral process makes government inactive and unable to solve the urgent needs of its people. Every new election causes a wholesale reorganization of the government, which initiates a set of new government initiatives which also had the effect of decreasing the government responsiveness. On the other hand, GDP growth remained relatively sufficient though it dropped short of expectations in 2011. The average GDP growth in period of 2005-2010 was around 5%. After five years of growth, economy slowed to 4.6% growth in 2011 against a predicted rate of 5.1%. The main guarantees for growth were foreign direct investment (FDI), mainly from Gulf Cooperation Council countries, into projects located around the port and construction and in the tourism sector. Concerning per capita income, the growth of the economy reached 1263 USD in 2010, qualifying Djibouti for middle income country (MIC) status under international classification. Military presence of France, the USA and Japan guarantee Djibouti’s economy additional significant revenue. Population growth is estimated at 2.18 percent every year. Djibouti Human Development Index was 0.430 in 2011, ranking the country 165 out of 187 countries. In 2010, life expectancy was 58 years, while mean years of school education was 3.8. UN still possesses no data concerning the scales of poverty in Djibouti in 2013. According to the period of the past five years, the situation did not improve, but deteriorated further in 2013. The overall amount of people living below the national poverty line more than doubled between 2002 and 2009 while the rate of people living below the nationwide extreme poverty line increased similarly over the same period. It is obvious that the economic growth of the recent past has not yet affected the poverty reduction for the large part of the population. The Government is seemed to neglect all the possibilities in expanding the humanitarian assistance taking into account the military presence in the country. New middle income country status has closed access to many grant and concessionary lending. MIC status is very unstable according to a huge amount of people living below extreme poverty line. There are no new international NGOs established operations since 2011 despite the drought emergency. The government should take more care about involving international NGO. As a result, Djibouti’s government keeps relying on UN support for technical assistance in key strategic spheres related to poverty alleviation. UN help the Djibouti’s government to accumulate resources from donors to address humanitarian needs of the most unprotected groups, influenced by the recurrent droughts. As a result, Djiboutian households keep experiencing strong food related economic pressures. The average cost of the basic food basket in 2011 remained well above the average cost for the previous five years. In 2011, the drought emergency that hit the region of Djibouti, Somalia and Ethiopia further aggravated the uneasy situation of the most vulnerable segments of the population, particularly those residing in the rural areas. The drought provoked the continued accumulation of livestock losses (close to 80 percent of the cattle in some areas) with a similar influence on the livelihoods of the nomadic population. Rural dwellers keep migrating to the urban areas swelling urban unemployment (60%) and poverty (42.1% extreme poverty). As a result, the UN Country Team had to devote an increased amount of time to accumulate resources to support humanitarian interventions in 2011. Furthermore, the drought and worsening insecurity in South Somalia kept provoking increases in the number of refugees infiltrating Djibouti. The quantity of refugees in the Ali Addeh camp rose from 12,000 to more than 14,000 over the course of 2010 and to 19,500 refugees at the end of 2011, a significant increase for a country of 818,159 people. In addition, the influx of migrants from Ethiopia, rushing towards Djibouti City, in seek of employment, and Yemen, the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia) via the Bab el-Mandeb Straits also continued, and reached spectacular figures at certain points in the year. The civil war threat follows Djibouti since 1991. Afars’ minority struggled with Issa-dominated government. The conflict ended by signing a peace agreement in 1999 and electing a new president. Thus, recurrent influx of new refugees and immigrants from the neighboring countries reignites the conflict time after time. Peace agreement did not eliminate local violence. Ethiopian military operation in Somalia affected Djibouti negatively. Population was divided in their support of the belligerents. Djibouti has a significant number of people infected by HIV/AIDS. About 1 percent of the population lives with HIV (approximately 7,700 citizens [6,200-9,400]). The most vulnerable group is children, born by HIV/AIDS infected mothers. The UN Refugee Agency prescribes the main objectives and targets for 2014 for Djibouti. Among the main goals is refusal in refoulement and access to the refugee camps in Djibouti. Every month there are up to 400 new refugees in Djibouti from southern Somalia. About 2,700 refugees from Ethiopia and Eritrea also seek for asylum in Djibouti. The UN bodies provide regular trainings for Djibouti’s staff in order to help boarder guards and law-enforcement officials. All refugee children must be provided with birth certificates. Djibouti’s government with the UN Refugee Agency assistance ought to provide basic needs and essential services to the refugees. Basic needs include sanitation and hygiene conditions. The Holl-Holl and Ali-Addeh camps were provided with about 2,000 family latrines and 200 garbage pits. At least once a month UN employees conduct hygiene-awareness campaigns and camp clean-ups. Sanitation interventions must be frequent in order to protect refugees from he alth hazards. Djibouti’s problems are seemed to make vicious circle. On the one hand, arid climate and absence of oil deposits complicate enormously the economic growth in Djibouti. Regional instability, civil war, excessive immigrants’ influx aggravate the situation. The government has no financial resources to instigate industrial development let alone the environment protection issues. 40 percent of citizens live below the extreme poverty line. 1 percent is infected by AIDS/HIV. Djibouti’s GDP grows, but the positive result is erased by the loans’ repayments. . Djibouti imports almost 90 percent of its food and 100 percent of its fuel, which makes it even more vulnerable to the droughts and food prices on the world market. The country is seemed to be hostage of its own climate and lack of mineral resources and oil. Budget income grows due to transshipment and port fees, Djibouti’s monopoly to export goods from Ethiopia by railroads to the port Addis Ababa. Another positive factor is a military presence of France, the USA and Japan. Military bases pay taxes to the state budget and help fighting terrorism in the region. International Monetary Fund praises Djibouti for almost 5 percent GDP growth per annum. Nevertheless, the aforementioned factors burden the economy and oblige to raise taxes. International humanitarian assistance is still insufficient for the overall welfare in Djibouti. IMF recommends the government of Djibouti to implement reforms in the public sector and avoid unnecessary budget expenditures. Works cited â€Å"United Nations Development Group†. The World Factbook.Central Intelligence Agency. Web. 29 Dec. 2013.>. The Vital Port of Djibouti Receives International Aid Read more: Djibouti: Geography, History, Politics, and More | Zoungrana, S. Food insecurity looms in Djibouti. 15 07 2013. Web. 29 Dec. 2013.>. Resident Coordinator Annual Report 2011 for Djibouti. n.d. n. page. Web. 1 Jan. 2014.>. â€Å"Djibouti: Fifth Review Under the Extended Credit Facility – IMF.†19 May. 2012. Retrieved from: â€Å"2013 UNHCR country operations profile – Djibouti.†Retrieved from
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Layers of Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay -- Kill Mocki
The Layers of Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird      Toothpaste: it is made up of so many different ingredients. You can look at a tube of toothpaste, study it, observe the colors of the plastic container and notice the size and shape of it. You can guess all you want what's on the inside, but you will never know until it is squeezed. People: they are made up of so many different things. You can look at them, study their behaviors, and observe their appearances. You can make many assumptions about what they're like on the inside, but you will never know their true character until they are squeezed. When a person is put in a tight position it doesn't make their character, it exposes it. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird there are several characters that are present throughout the book, but one seems to appear out of nowhere in chapter eleven. Her name is Mrs. Dubose, and she has a very interesting character. It has several layers that almost need to be peeled away like an onion. Integrity is just one of the numerous layers of her character. Integrity is how a person reacts when they are being "squeezed." Mrs. Dubose has a high standard of morals and she is true to them--she walks her talk. She looks out for people other than herself. She is determined. Mrs. Dubose is unquestioningly a woman of integrity.  Mrs. Dubose displays integrity by standing up for her beliefs. She has self-appointed herself as the "manners police", according to the standards she was raised with. The way she was raised children were expected to respect their parents and other elders. Mrs. Dubose makes a point to call the kids on it whenever they are acting out of line according to her values. She yells at Scout t... ...her life, a time that can be very lonely for a person. In a sense, she is being squeezed, like a tube of toothpaste--yet she stays strong. She still keeps all her values, instead of throwing them out the window. Mrs. Dubose doesn't just sit around and watch the world go on, she tries to make a difference. She doesn't throw herself a pity party, burdening others with her problems. Instead, she decides to make the most out of the time she has left in her life. She decides to improve her life so that she can die having lived life to the fullest. Mrs. Dubose, in all her integrity, is the tastiest kind of toothpaste there is.  Works Cited Johnson, Claudia. "The Minor Charaters of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird." Studies in American Fiction (1991):129-139. Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York City, NY: J.B.Lippincott Company, 1990. The Layers of Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay -- Kill Mocki The Layers of Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird      Toothpaste: it is made up of so many different ingredients. You can look at a tube of toothpaste, study it, observe the colors of the plastic container and notice the size and shape of it. You can guess all you want what's on the inside, but you will never know until it is squeezed. People: they are made up of so many different things. You can look at them, study their behaviors, and observe their appearances. You can make many assumptions about what they're like on the inside, but you will never know their true character until they are squeezed. When a person is put in a tight position it doesn't make their character, it exposes it. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird there are several characters that are present throughout the book, but one seems to appear out of nowhere in chapter eleven. Her name is Mrs. Dubose, and she has a very interesting character. It has several layers that almost need to be peeled away like an onion. Integrity is just one of the numerous layers of her character. Integrity is how a person reacts when they are being "squeezed." Mrs. Dubose has a high standard of morals and she is true to them--she walks her talk. She looks out for people other than herself. She is determined. Mrs. Dubose is unquestioningly a woman of integrity.  Mrs. Dubose displays integrity by standing up for her beliefs. She has self-appointed herself as the "manners police", according to the standards she was raised with. The way she was raised children were expected to respect their parents and other elders. Mrs. Dubose makes a point to call the kids on it whenever they are acting out of line according to her values. She yells at Scout t... ...her life, a time that can be very lonely for a person. In a sense, she is being squeezed, like a tube of toothpaste--yet she stays strong. She still keeps all her values, instead of throwing them out the window. Mrs. Dubose doesn't just sit around and watch the world go on, she tries to make a difference. She doesn't throw herself a pity party, burdening others with her problems. Instead, she decides to make the most out of the time she has left in her life. She decides to improve her life so that she can die having lived life to the fullest. Mrs. Dubose, in all her integrity, is the tastiest kind of toothpaste there is.  Works Cited Johnson, Claudia. "The Minor Charaters of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird." Studies in American Fiction (1991):129-139. Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York City, NY: J.B.Lippincott Company, 1990.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Role of Ancient Gods Essay -- essays research papers fc
When we study ancient Greek and Roman literature, we realize that the world perception in those times, among people, was much different from what it is now. It is especially obvious when we begin to analyze the role of mythical and religious elements in ancient literature. According to the classical Christian theological theory, people’s need for believing in supernatural beings is caused by their fear of nature. This concept strikingly resembles the Marxist explanation - it also names fear as the main factor. If one reads Homer’s â€Å"Iliad†and â€Å"Odyssey,†and Virgil’s â€Å"Aeneid†, he gets to realize that the ancient concept of people’s interaction with Gods is totally deprived of fear in any form. In all three masterpieces, Gods are basically described as humans, with all their strengths and weaknesses, although being immortal. Humans often revere Gods, but not out of fear – they simply respect their superiority. Many historians suggest that one of the main reasons, which enabled Greek and Roman civilizations to reach extraordinary heights in the fields of culture and science, is the fact of their religious liberalism. Let us to take a closer look at all three poems, so it’ll be easier for us to find common religious motives in all of them. Homer’s â€Å"Odyssey†is one of the finest examples of ancient Greek literature. Along with â€Å"Iliad†it represents an ultimate expression of ancient spirit, which we still use as a standard while assessing the cultural legacy of our own Western civilization. Modern historians doubt whether the same author wrote these two epic masterpieces. The main reason for this is that â€Å"Odyssey†, stylistically and conceptually, is much different from â€Å"Iliad†. First one is a high tragedy, its storyline based on the events of Trojan War. The style of this poem is very noble and there is no place for petty human weaknesses. The action takes place at the time when city of Troy was being besieged by Achaeans. Achaean leader Agamemnon takes Chrysies as his prize. She prays Apollo, who sends a plague on Achaeans. Achaean hero Achilles asks his mother sea-nymph Thetis to ask Zeus to punish Achaeans for being ignorant towards Achilles: â€Å"God of the silver bow, thy ear incline, Whose power encircles Cilla the divine; Whose sacred eye thy Tenedos surveys, And gilds fair Chrysa with distinguished rays! If, fired to vengeance at thy priest's request, Thy d... ...iter favors Aeneas. The God of Sea Neptune is also on the side of Aeneas, who’s able to safely reach the shores of Carthage, after storm dies down as a result of Neptune’s involvement. Among other Roman Gods that interact with Aeneas, we can name Mercury, Aeolus, Cupid, Allecto, Vulcan, Saturn and Minerva. The role of divine beings in all three poems can hardly be overestimated. What separates these poems from later Christian literature is the fact the Gods actively participate in people’s affairs and there is no judgment found on them†¦ Bibliography: 1.     Homer. â€Å"The Odyssey†. Translated by Fitzgerald, R. Garden City, NY, Anchor/Doubleday, 1961 2.     Homer. â€Å"The Iliad†. Translated by Lattimore, R. University of Chicago. 1951. 3.     Vergil. â€Å"Aeneid†. Translated by Williams. T. Boston. Houghton Mifflin Co. 1910. The Outline 1)     P. 1, Short introduction of the topic. 2)     Pp. 1 – 2, Homer’s â€Å"Iliad†analysis. 3)     Pp. 2 – 3, Homer’s â€Å"Odyssey†analysis. 4)     Pp. 3 – 4, Virgil’s â€Å"Aeneid†analysis. The Role of Ancient Gods Essay -- essays research papers fc When we study ancient Greek and Roman literature, we realize that the world perception in those times, among people, was much different from what it is now. It is especially obvious when we begin to analyze the role of mythical and religious elements in ancient literature. According to the classical Christian theological theory, people’s need for believing in supernatural beings is caused by their fear of nature. This concept strikingly resembles the Marxist explanation - it also names fear as the main factor. If one reads Homer’s â€Å"Iliad†and â€Å"Odyssey,†and Virgil’s â€Å"Aeneid†, he gets to realize that the ancient concept of people’s interaction with Gods is totally deprived of fear in any form. In all three masterpieces, Gods are basically described as humans, with all their strengths and weaknesses, although being immortal. Humans often revere Gods, but not out of fear – they simply respect their superiority. Many historians suggest that one of the main reasons, which enabled Greek and Roman civilizations to reach extraordinary heights in the fields of culture and science, is the fact of their religious liberalism. Let us to take a closer look at all three poems, so it’ll be easier for us to find common religious motives in all of them. Homer’s â€Å"Odyssey†is one of the finest examples of ancient Greek literature. Along with â€Å"Iliad†it represents an ultimate expression of ancient spirit, which we still use as a standard while assessing the cultural legacy of our own Western civilization. Modern historians doubt whether the same author wrote these two epic masterpieces. The main reason for this is that â€Å"Odyssey†, stylistically and conceptually, is much different from â€Å"Iliad†. First one is a high tragedy, its storyline based on the events of Trojan War. The style of this poem is very noble and there is no place for petty human weaknesses. The action takes place at the time when city of Troy was being besieged by Achaeans. Achaean leader Agamemnon takes Chrysies as his prize. She prays Apollo, who sends a plague on Achaeans. Achaean hero Achilles asks his mother sea-nymph Thetis to ask Zeus to punish Achaeans for being ignorant towards Achilles: â€Å"God of the silver bow, thy ear incline, Whose power encircles Cilla the divine; Whose sacred eye thy Tenedos surveys, And gilds fair Chrysa with distinguished rays! If, fired to vengeance at thy priest's request, Thy d... ...iter favors Aeneas. The God of Sea Neptune is also on the side of Aeneas, who’s able to safely reach the shores of Carthage, after storm dies down as a result of Neptune’s involvement. Among other Roman Gods that interact with Aeneas, we can name Mercury, Aeolus, Cupid, Allecto, Vulcan, Saturn and Minerva. The role of divine beings in all three poems can hardly be overestimated. What separates these poems from later Christian literature is the fact the Gods actively participate in people’s affairs and there is no judgment found on them†¦ Bibliography: 1.     Homer. â€Å"The Odyssey†. Translated by Fitzgerald, R. Garden City, NY, Anchor/Doubleday, 1961 2.     Homer. â€Å"The Iliad†. Translated by Lattimore, R. University of Chicago. 1951. 3.     Vergil. â€Å"Aeneid†. Translated by Williams. T. Boston. Houghton Mifflin Co. 1910. The Outline 1)     P. 1, Short introduction of the topic. 2)     Pp. 1 – 2, Homer’s â€Å"Iliad†analysis. 3)     Pp. 2 – 3, Homer’s â€Å"Odyssey†analysis. 4)     Pp. 3 – 4, Virgil’s â€Å"Aeneid†analysis.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Behavior Therapy: Basic Concepts, Assessment Methods, and Applications
Behavior Therapy: Basic Concepts, Assessment Methods, and Applications. Different kinds of psychotherapies have existed throughout history, and have always been rooted in philosophical views of human nature (Wachtel P. , 1997). Specifically, behavior therapy intents to help individuals overcome difficulties in nearly any aspect of human experience (Thorpe G. & Olson S. , 1990). The techniques of behavior therapy have been applied to education, the workplace, consumer activities, and even sports, but behavior therapy in clinical settings is largely concerned with the assessment of mental health problems.In general, behavior therapy is a type of psychotherapy that aims on changing undesirable types of behavior. It engages in identifying objectionable, maladaptive behaviors and replacing them with healthier ones. . According to Rimm D. & Masters J. (1974), the label â€Å"behavior therapy†comprises a large number of different techniques that make use of psychological-especially learning- principles to deal with maladaptive human behavior. Behavior therapy is a relative new kind of psychotherapy (Corsini R. & Wedding D. , 2008).As a systematic approach, behavior therapy began in the 1950’s, in order to assess and treat psychological disorders. Behavior therapy was developed by a small group of psychologists and physicians who were not satisfied with the conventional techniques of psychotherapy (Thorpe G. et al, 1990). They linked behavior therapy to experimental psychology, differentiating it from other preexisting approaches. During behavior therapy’s first phase, the applied developed from principles of classical and operant conditioning. There are varying views about the best way to define behavior therapy.However, most health professionals agree to Eysenck's definition: â€Å"Behavior therapy is the attempt to alter human behavior and emotions in a beneficial way according to the laws of modern learning theory†. Erwin E. (1978), ins tead of proposing a specific definition for behavior therapy, he referred to some basic and important characteristics that this therapy possesses. According to Erwin, behavior therapy is used largely to lessen human suffering or to improve human functioning. He pointed out that it is a psychological rather than a biological form of treatment.In the cases of phobias treatment, behavior therapy is usually applied to treat the symptoms directly. Moreover, behavior therapy is characteristically used to modify maladaptive behavior or to teach adaptive behavior. This means that the focus is on individuals’ behavior. In some cases, behavior therapy techniques may even be used to reduce unwanted mental states as in Davinson’s (1968) use of counterconditioning to reduce sadistic fantasy, simply because the mental state itself is unwanted (as stated in Erwin, 1978).Another basic characteristic of behavior therapy is that it is often used in an incremental rather than a holistic fashion. Problems that are to be treated are first divided into their components and each component is treated separately. Last, behavior therapy is studied and used experimentally, being closely related to learning theory research. Three main approaches in contemporary behavior therapy have been identified (Corsini R. et al, 2008). These are the applied behavior analysis (ABA), the neobehavioristic meditational stimulus-response model, and the social cognitive theory.ABA refers to the application of the principles of learning and motivation from Behavior Analysis (the scientific study of behavior), and the procedures and technology derived from those principles, to the solution of problems of social significance. This approach is based on Skinner’s radical behaviorism. It identifies behaviors that should be extinguished and behaviors that are to be taught. It makes use of reinforcement, punishment, extinction, stimulus control, and other procedures derived from laboratory re search (Corsini R. et al, 2008).It is most frequently applied to children with autistic spectrum disorders, but is an effective tool for children with behavioral disorders, multiple disabilities, and severe intellectual handicaps. The neobehavioristic meditational stimulus-response (S-R) model features the applications of the principles of classical conditioning, and it derives from the learning theories of Ivan Pavlov, E. Guthrie, lark Hull, O. Mowrer, and N. Miller (as cited in Corsini et al, 2008). The S-R model has been linked to systematic desensitization and flooding.Systematic desensitization was developed by Joseph Wolpe (1958). It is a therapy for phobias based on counterconditioning -a technique for eliminating a conditioned response that involves pairing a conditioned stimulus with another unconditioned stimulus to condition a new response. If the new response in incompatible with the old response, so that only one response can occur at a time, then the new response can r eplace the old one. In systematic desensitization, patients visualize fear- evoking stimuli while relaxing, to associate the stimuli with relaxation instead of fear. (Lieberman D. , 2004).Flooding is another psychotherapeutic technique discovered by psychologist Thomas Stampfl (1967) (as cited in Harold, 1990) that is still used in behavior therapy to treat phobias. It works by exposing the individual to painful memories they already have aiming to put together their repressed feelings with their current awareness. Flooding works on the principles of classical conditioning (Lieberman D. , 2004). Social cognitive theory (SCT) refers to learning in terms of interaction between external stimulus response, external reinforcement, and cognitive meditational processes (Corsini et al 2008).Personal and environmental factors do not function as independent determinants; rather, they determine each other. It is mainly through their behavior that individuals produce the environmental condition s that affect their behavior in a mutual way. New experiences are evaluated in relation to the past; prior experiences help to subsequently direct and inform the individual as to how the present should be considered. Behavior therapy has mainly been associated with the era between 1950 and 1960, especially with the theories of I. Pavlov, E. Skinner, J. Wolpe, and A.Bandura (Yates A. , 1975). It is a clinical application of psychology that relies on empirically-validated principles and procedures (Plaud, 2001). Since the first behavior therapy alternatives to the psychoanalysis and other associated therapies were introduced almost 50 ago (Wolpe, 1958), constant improvements in behavior therapy have mostly been supplied by its foundation on conditioning principles and theories (Eifert ; Plaud, 1998). Specifically, behavior therapy relies exclusively on the experimental methodology initiated by I. Pavlov. Clinical applications of Pavlovian onditioning principles began in 1912, when one of Pavlov’s students, was the first to establish the counter-conditioning effect in the laboratory. Studies on anxiety have considerably assisted behavior therapy’s development. According to Wolpe and Plaud (1997), Wolpe’s experimental studies were based on the implications of early Pavlovian experiments by giving emphasis to the importance of the conditioning procedures. Actually, Wolpe made important contributions to behavioral therapy, such as proposing systematic desensitization and assertiveness training, both of which have become important elements of behavioral therapy.Albert Bandura is usually associated with the development of the social cognitive theory (Corsini et al, 2008). Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory derived from social learning theory. It aims to explain how behavioral principles and norms are learned through an interaction of the individual and his/her environment, mostly through the observing others. Skinner worked on radical behavi orism. He rejected traditional psychology and all the included concepts that referred to what he called mentalism.That meant any concept that revealed a belief in cause and effect relationships between mental activities and learned behavior. In the 1966 edition of his 1928 book, The Behavior of Organisms, Skinner still named the belief that emotions are important factors in behavior a â€Å"mental fiction. †In addition, he thought that it is wrong, or at least not scientific, to consider that people cry because they are sorry or tremble because they are afraid. Behavior therapy developed rapidly. Three â€Å"waves†, that actually are three divisions of the behavior therapy’s development, have been proposed.The first wave focused mainly on altering overt behavior. The second wave focused on the cognitive factors that contribute to behavior. This approach is also known as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). The â€Å"third wave†of behavior therapy was propo sed by Hayes, Hollette, and Linehan (as cited in Corsini et al, 2008). It includes dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). On the whole, DBT claims that some individuals, due to unfavorable environments during childhood and due to unknown biological factors, react abnormally to emotional stimulation.Their level of arousal increases much more rapidly, peaks at a higher level, and takes more time to go back to baseline. DBT is a technique for learning skills that aids to reduce this reaction. DBT applies mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance skills (Yates A. , 1975). Mindfulness skills include core skills. They are the most difficult skills to accomplish, but when learned, the process of thoughts and emotions occurs in an significantly different manner.Some of the processes included to the mindfulness skill, as listed by Corsini et al (2008), are the following: Observe or attend to emotions without trying to terminate them when painful, describe a thought or emotion, be nonjudgmental, stay in the present, focus on one thing at a time (one-mindfully). Mindfulness skills are applied in later sessions, when the other (three) types of skills on focus. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a quite new type of psychotherapy, found by Steven C. Hayes in the mid 1990s.It is the development and combination of behavioral therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which has mostly been the established therapy for treatment of conditions like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorders. Acceptance and commitment therapy, like CBT, is based on the philosophy of â€Å"Functional Contextualism†, a modern philosophy of science rooted in philosophical pragmatism and contextualism, suggesting that words and ideas can only be understood within some kind of context and they are therefore often misinterpreted due to the fact that people have individual contexts.An ad ditional therapy that has had an impact on ACT is Relational Frame therapy, a type of behavioral analysis focused on language and learning. ACT is differentiated from CBT since it directly accepts the thought, â€Å"Everybody hates me. †This thought is viewed without passion, and sometimes it is transformed to a phrase like â€Å"I am having the thought that everybody hates me. †Ding so may be repeated until the thought becomes defused. Hayes identifies about 100 defusion techniques in ACT. Previous distracting thoughts are not actively dismisses by the individual going through ACT.This is another distinguishing factor from CBT which intends to reduce distracting and unhelpful thoughts. ACT therapists argue that the process of their therapy is much briefer than CBT, and for that reason it is considered more effective. There is a variety of concepts referring to behavior therapy. Two main categories of those concepts are the learning principles and the personal variab les. In classical conditioning, the researcher begins with identifying a reflex response, one that is activated regularly by a specific stimulus (Thorpe et al, 1990). In humans, these reflexes include he eye-blink response to dust or a puff of air in the eye, and the reflex of the knee jerk reflex in response to a hit in the correct point by the researcher’s hammer. Such reflexes appear regularly without any particular guidance, so they are considered to be unlearned or unconditioned. Classical conditioning occurs when a new stimulus acquires the ability to trigger one of these reflex responses. Operant conditioning makes use of the principles of (positive or negative) reinforcement and (positive/negative) punishment to bring about a desired response. (Lieberman D. 1994). Positive reinforcement is the presentation of something pleasant or rewarding immediately following a behavior, but In Negative Reinforcement a particular behavior is strengthened by the consequence of the s topping or avoiding of a negative condition. Moving to punishment, negative punishment occurs when in an attempt to decrease the likelihood of a behavior occurring in the future, an operant response is followed by the removal of a desired stimulus, though in positive punishment an operant response is followed by the presentation of an aversive stimulus.Operant conditioning occurs when a consequence eventually becomes expected for a particular behavior. One example would be when a student is rewarded for getting good grades. The positive outcome of their behavior to study and achieve gain those grades is motivated by the anticipation of a positive result in addition to the good grades. In order to teach individuals complex tasks, Skinner proposed a system of successive approximations of operant learning where tasks are broken down into several steps that, when individually learned, summarily progress towards the complex task desired.Extinction refers to the reducing the probability o f a response when a characteristic reinforcing stimulus is no longer presented. Discrimination learning is the process by which individuals learn to differentiate their responses to different stimuli. When the opposite occurs, that is when individuals fail to discriminate between different situations ending up with behavior on situations other than that in which it was acquired, generalization takes place (Corsini R. et al, 2008). Personal variables that were proposed by Mischel (1973, as cited in Corsini R. et al, 2008), explain and â€Å"swapping†between individual and situation.They include the individual’s competences to create varied behaviors under appropriate conditions, his/her perception of events and people (including the self), expectancies, subjective values and self-regulatory systems. Behavior therapy is applied for and aims to treat only learned behavioral problems. Sometimes, however, health and learned behavioral problems coexist. Whether the individu al being in treatment has a learned behavioral problem alone, or a learned problem which coexists with a learned one has to be determined in the beginning of the process of behavior therapy.Two additional possible situations are either the individual in therapy to have a learned behavior problem as part of a psychosomatic disorder, or to have a medical problem that just appears to have been learned (Yates A. , 1975). Behavioral assessment is vital to behavior therapy. It developed rapidly during the 1970s, after initially being a covered part of behavior therapy in terms of research and professional development (Thorpe G. , et al, 1990). Now, behavior assessment is a rich and diverse subfield of behavior therapy that continues to develop rapidly.In clinical settings, behavior therapy is a method for treating mental health problems. Treatment involves proposing and putting into practice a plan of action that aims to resolve a problem. Deciding on the plan of action depends on the pro blem formulation so what has to be done in the early sessions of the therapy is the agreement of the therapist and the client on what is wrong and what has to be changed to improve or even eliminate it. Behavior therapy uses a number of assessment methods. In guided imagery the individual is guided in imagining a relaxing scene or series of experiences (Rimm D. t al, 1974). When an individual visualizes an imagined scene reacts as though it were actually occurring; therefore, imagined images can have a great impact on behavior. Role playing is a technique used in behavior therapy to provide partaking and involvement in the learning process (Thorpe G. et al, 1990). It helps the individual (learner) to receive objective feedback about his/her performance. Role playing techniques can be applied to motivate individuals pay more attention to their interpersonal state.One of its most important aspects is that it helps the learner experience a real life situation in a protected setting. Ph ysiological recording, self-monitoring, behavioral observation, and psychological tests and measurements are some more examples of the assessment techniques that can be applied during the behavior therapy (Corsini R. et al, 2008). In general, behavior therapists do not use standardized psychodiagnostic tests and projective tests. They broadly make use of checklists and questionnaires, self-report scales of depression, assertion inventories, etc.These assessment techniques are not sufficient for carrying out a functional analysis of the determinants of a problem, but they are useful in establishing the initial severity of the problem and charting therapeutic efficacy over the course of treatment. In conclusion, the clinical investigations of behavior therapists have significantly improved our understanding of how our behavior is coordinated with external events that occur in our lives; they have created ways of mediating in disturbing interpersonal aspects that were not efficiently t reated through other kinds of therapy.Behavior therapy can be applied to treat a full range of psychological disorders. These include anxiety disorders, depression and suicide, sexual dysfunctions, marital problems, eating and weight disorders, addictive disorders, schizophrenia, childhood disorders, phobias, pain management, hypertension, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, etc. (Thorpe G. et al, 1990). References Corsini R, & Wedding D. (2008). Current Psychotherapies. New York: Thomson Brooks/Cole. Eifert, G. , & Plaud, J. (1998). From behavior theory to behavior therapy (pp. 1-14).Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Erwin E. (1978). Behavior Therapy: Scientific, Philosophical, & Moral Foundations. New York: Cambridge University Press. Harold (1990). Handbook of Social and Evaluation Anxiety. New York: Plenum Press. Lieberman D. (2004). Learning and Memory: an integrative approach. United states: Thomson Wadsworth. Plaud, J. (2001). Clinical science and human behavior. Jou rnal of Clinical Psychology, 57, 1089-1102. Rimm D. , & Masters J. (1974). Behavior Therapy: Techniques and Empirical Findings. New York: Academic press. Thorpe G. , & Olson S. 1990). Behavior Therapy: Concepts, Procedures and Applications. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Wachtel P. , (1997). Psychoanalysis, Behavior Therapy, and the Relational World. Washington DC: American Psychological Association. Wolpe, J. , & Plaud, J. (1997). Pavlov’s contributions to behavior therapy: The obvious and the not so obvious. American Psychologist, 52, 966-972. Wolpe, Joseph. 1958. Psychotherapy by Reciprocal Inhibition. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Yates A. , 1975). Theory and Practice in Behavior Therapy. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
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