Monday, September 30, 2019
Analysis of Miss Emily in “A Rose for Emily†Essay
In the fiction†A Rose for Emily â€Å",Miss Emily’s life in particular its gruesome and saddened by the outcome of Tan Wan and as well as the central figure in the daily lives of the other two – her father, her dead lover’s fate, should not only to us Bring thriller, and the offensive suppressed, perhaps, there should be more apprehensive and thinking, because this can be called Faulkner’s short story on behalf of its work, its title has been leaked by its authors described the emotional character Secret. Is no longer the tragedy of death, behind the death of the self-stick to the face and secular blue suit, which is rooted in the history of the thick soil, and even more awesome. The author in the novel approach will be a symbol of its head. Novels for readers to show the United States after the civil war in the south of social change, as well as different social groups in the South of the fate of history. The collapse of the old South, the decline of the aristocracy of the South, whites in the South, as well as to enhance the self-consciousness Southern black suffering and hope of life co-exist, to varying degrees, reflected in the novels, William Faulkner regarded the past as a repository of great images of human effort and integrity, but also as the source of a dynamic evil. He was aware of the romantic pull of the past and realized that submission to this romance of the past was a form of death. In â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, Faulkner contrasted the past with the present era. The past was represented in Emily herself, in Colonel Sartoris, in the old Negro servant, and in the Board of Alderman who accepted the Colonel’s attitude toward Emily and rescinded her taxes.. The novel contains the existential factor, to explore the existential theme of the show. That through the works of Faulkner’s life again alienated people, to show his concern about the situation of human existence,From William Faulkner as a writer in the South of the United States is in a special historical period of ideological complexity and contradiction of, their analysis of the short story in two main lines of the refraction by the Fuk Faulkner to the south of the old love-hate complex of the South, to provide readers with a new perspective in order to better understan d and appreciate the works, By the time the representatives of the new, progressive Board of Aldermen waited on her concerning her delinquent taxes, she had already completely retreated to her world of the past. She declared that she had no taxes in Jefferson, basing her belief on a verbal agreement made with Colonel Sartoris, who had been dead for ten years. Just as Emily refused to acknowledge the death of her father, she now refused to recognize the death of Colonel Sartoris. He had given his word and according to the traditional view, his word knew no death. It is the past pitted against the present–the past with its social decorum, the present with everything set down in â€Å"the books.†Emily’s world, however, was already in the past. When she was threatened with desertion and disgrace, she not only took refuge in that world but also took Homer with her in the only manner possible–death. Miss Emily’s position in regard to the specific problem of time was suggested in the scene where the old soldiers appear at her funeral. There are two perspectives of time held by the characters. The first perspective views time as a â€Å"mechanical progressionâ₠¬ in which the past is a â€Å"diminishing road†. The second perspective views the past as â€Å"a huge meadow which no winter ever quite touches, divided from them now by the narrow bottleneck of the most recent decade of years†. The first perspective was that of Homer and the modern generation. The second was that of the older members of the Board of Aldermen and of the confederate soldiers.. Emily held the second view as well, except that for her there was no bottleneck dividing her from the meadow of the past. Emily’s room above the stairs was that timeless meadow. In it, the living Emily and the dead Homer remained together as though not even death could separate them. In the simplest sense, the story says that death conquers all. But what is death? On one level, death is the past, tradition, whatever is opposite of the present. In the setting of this story, it is the past of the South in which the retrospective survivors of the Civil War deny changing the customs and the passage of time. This article from the feminist point of view of psychology to re-read the , an analysis of Emily was confused with a tragic sense and reason in an attempt to add a kind of used to be trampled on Suppressed and ignored the different voices – the voices of women, people from the female psychology and thinking, learn to build self, pay more attention to women’s mental health and human hearts to their homes.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Development Of Radiographer Led Procedures Health And Social Care Essay
This scrutiny has been carried out on patients as a complete scrutiny. With the development of radiographer-led processs there is move towards giving a direct reply to put of the clinical indicants and inquiry and so orienting the scrutiny to suit this demand. The Ba sup can therefore moderately be split into a figure of ‘subexaminations ‘ when the clinical image has a definite way. Upper high Ba sup, this scrutiny is used for patients who have high dysphagia or definite oesophageal symptoms, or have rather frequently had a normal OGD but there are still have diagnostic that mean: rather frequently a motility upset may be cause. The technique is the patient is asked to stand erect in the AP place on the fluoroscopic tabular array and keep the cup of Ba in their manus, normally the left, as farther turning of the patient is normally to the left. The arm will so lie clear of the bole, without the patient holding to negociate its motion around the escalating screen passenger car. The patient is turned into a sidelong place in order to get down with everyday appraisal of possible aspiration, if this instance the scrutiny should be terminated instantly. They are asked to take a normal sized for them mouthful of the liquid and keep it in their oral cavity until asked to get down. This is to give the operator a opportunity to focus on on the country of involvement and optimise the collimation. If the radiographic equipment allows, a frame rate of 3 per second is suggested as an initial pick, modern digital equipment can let recording of the screened image. This frequently a radiation dosage decrease by leting retrospective and repeated survey of the patients get downing action without returning to the rescreen missed actions, and besides allows a more existent clip appraisal to take topographic point. The patient is so asked to get down and the exposure is initiated. Real clip recording is terminated when the Ba bolus passes beyond the screened image or po int of involvement. The AP position is the optimum for hypopharyngeal anatomy, it will be seen in individual and dual contrast images. This position can so be repeated at least one time more to guarantee there is consistence in the image, doing it easier to definitively place pathology. The patient is so turned into the sidelong place and the same process of taking a mouthful and get downing on petition is imaged. This position allows the posterior wall to be optimally viewed. The most common abnormalcies shown are relentless cricopharyngeal feelings or diverticulae, the most common diverticulum type being zenkers this occurs in the mid-hypopharynx and is more common in the older population. They are rather frequently termed hypopharyngeal pouches. The pouches can go rather big, frequently doing patients to be referred due to regurgitation of undigested nutrient some clip after they have eaten. They are besides frequently hard to endoscope as the range enters the pouch and can non b e passed farther. The Ba sup can therefore rather frequently be the most appropriate trial for corroborating the presence and extent of this pathology. Oesophageal webs are besides best seen on the sidelong projection, shown on the anterior wall, although they are best viewed with rapid imaging sequences, they have been noted in 1-5 % of diagnostic patients and 12-15 % of dysphagia patients. Barium sup and the reflux appraisal is patient for this type of survey frequently present with clinical symptoms of GOR. They frequently have a feeling of retrosternal uncomfortableness and no other symptoms. Although pH monitoring is an effectual manner of rating GOR, there is non every bit yet a gilded criterion test.the Ba survey can still be utile as an adjunct to other trials, as some GOR patients may hold little suspension hernias that are non seen on endoscopy. These patients frequently have mucosal alterations in the distal tierce of the gorge, so the sup is used to see the part closely and detect the fundus to look into for herniation. Technique for this testes is AP and sidelong projections can be taken of the gorge as antecedently described for the Ba sup. A more utile position of the distal tierce of the gorge is provided by the erect left posterior oblique, taken after the patients is asked to get down. The Ba bolus is imaged as a column and athletics movies taken to demo the distal tierce of the distal tierce of the gorge. This allows mucosal rings and peptic stenosiss to be shown good. As the column base on ballss and the mucous membrane relaxes, spor movies can be taken this frequently shown oesophagitis. The patient is the asked to take the effervescent granules either dry or assorted with a little sum of H2O if dry is excessively hard, or other effervescent assistance, followed by the citric acid. It is of import to affect on the patient that these will bring forth gas in the tummy and may give them the feeling that they need to burp, it is imperative the y do non yield to enticement and the best manner to avoid this is to state them to maintain swallowing. Advance account of this, giving grounds for its importance, will maximise conformity. The patient is so asked to get down another mouthful of Ba whilst in the LPO place and images can be taken of the lower gorge. This will give a dual contrast scrutiny of gorge, leting a good expression at mucosal item. To observe marks of a suspension hernia or GOR, the fluoroscopic sofa is so placed horizontally and the patient turned to their right to measure reflux. Sport images of the country are taken. The patient is so asked to revolve through 360 at their ain gait, this will guarantee coating of all facets of the stomachic mucous membrane ready for appraisal of the tummy. Whilst they are executing this motion it is best to test sporadically in instance any extra lower oesophageal pathology is noted so that a athletics image of the lower oesopagus and gastroesopahageal junction can be taken . On finishing this tactic, farther images of the tummy are taken at cardinal phases: foremost, the patient is asked to turn to their left ( LOP ) where a athletics images is taken. Second, turned back to supine ( AP ) . Third, turned to their right ( RPO ) . And the patient is returned to the vertical place, turned somewhat to their left and an erect ( LPO ) movie is taken to demo the distal orsophagus and the fundus of the tummy. To demo reflux really happening, the patient can be tilted caput downwards ( Trendelenburg place ) as this mimics stress reflux but, as this is an unreal place, it may hold limited bearing on the truth appraisal of the true extent of reflux. If reflux is demonstrated the freedom with which it occurs and the degree it attains should be note as this will be an assistance to the clinician in the appraisal of the patient. It is noted nevertheless, that reflux may merely happen in approximately a 3rd of diagnostic patient. Preparation of patient to all scrutin y upper piece of land is, the patien should hunger for least 6 hours before the scrutiny but 5 hours is considered equal by some. It is suggested that this should be the instance even if merely Ba sup is indicated, in instance positions of the tummy are found to be required, this avoids the patient holding to return for a 2nd scrutiny. All jewelry or artifacts illustration hearing AIDSs should be removed. Patient vesture should be removed and a patient gown should be worn. The patient should so be informed of the process they should have information with their assignment prior to go toing, so they can give their consent. Complication with instructions on the famishment period should be checked. ESOPHAGRAM PROCEDURE. Two common radiographic processs of the upper GI system affecting the disposal of contrast media are the esophagram, or Ba sup, buttocks it is sometimes referred to, and the upper GI series. Each of these processs is described in item, get downing the esophagram. An esophagram, or Ba sup is the common radiographic process or scrutiny of the pharnx and gorge, using a radiopaque contrast media may be used. The intent of an esophagram is to analyze radiographically the signifier and map of the get downing facets of the pharnx and gorge. No contraindications exist for esophagrams except possible sensitiveness to the contrast media used. The engineer should find whether the patient has a history of sensitiveness to barium sulphate or water-soluble contrast media. Because the gorge is empty most the clip, patient need no readying for an esophagram unless upper GI series is to follow. When combined with an upper GI, or if the primary interested is the lower gorge, readying for the UGI takes precedency. For an esophagram merely, all vesture and anything metallic between the oral cavity and the waist should be removed, and the patient should have on a infirmary gown. Before the fluoroscopic process a pertinent history should be taken and the scrutiny carefully explained to the patient. The first portion of an esophagram involves fluoroscopy with a positive-contrast medium. The scrutiny room should be clean, tidy, and appropriated stocked before the patient is escorted to the room. The appropriate sum and type of contrast medium should be ready. Esophagrams by and large use both thin and thick Ba. Extra points utile in the sensing of a radiolucent foreign organic structure are cotton balls soaked in thin Ba, Ba pills or gelatin capsules filled with BaSO, and marsmallows. After get downing any one of these three substances, the patient is asked to get down an extra thin Ba mixture. Because the esophagrams begins with the tabular array in the perpendicular place the footbo ard should be in topographic point and tested for security. Lead aprons, compaction paddle, and lead baseball mitts should be provided for the radiotherapist, ass good as lead aprons for all other forces in the room. Proper radiation protection methods must be observed at all times during fluoroscopy. Fluoroscopy with the room prepared and the patient ready, the patient and radiotherapist are introduced and the patients history and the ground for the test discussed. The fluoroscopic scrutiny normally begins with a general study of patients chest including bosom, lungs and stop, and the venters. During fluoroscopy, the technologist responsibilities in general are to follow the radiotherapist instructions, assist patient as needed, and hasten the process in any mode possible because the scrutiny in begun in the vertical or vertical place, a cup of thin Ba is placed in the patient left manus near to the left shoulder. The patient so is instructed to follow radiotherapist instructions r efering how much to imbibe and when. The radiotherapist observes the flow of Ba with the roentgenoscope. Swallowing of thin Ba is observed with the patient in assorted places. Similar place may be used while the patient swallows thick Ba. The usage of thick Ba allows better visual image of mucosal forms and any lesion within the gorge. The type of Ba mixture to be used, nevertheless, is determined by the radiotherapist. After the unsloped surveies, horizontal and Trendelenburg places with midst and thin Ba may follow. A patient is shown in place for an RAO projection with a cup of thin Ba. The throat and cervical gorges are normally studied fluoroscopically with athletics movie, whereas the chief part of the esophagus down to the tummy is surveies both with fluoroscopy and with postfluoroscopy overhead radiogram. Presentation of esophageal reflux is the diagnosing of possible esophageal reflux o regurgition of stomachic contents may happen during fluoroscopy or an esophagram. One or more of the undermentioned processs may be performed to observe esophageal reflux ; take a breathing exercising, H2O trial, compaction paddle technique and toe- touch manoeuvre.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
CJ summarize 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
CJ summarize 8 - Essay Example For instance, in meal and services, opportunistic theft, kickbacks among many other forms of this illegal vice. In addition to that, it attributes this activities to a slippery slope as supported by the society at large. Moreover, it goes ahead to explain that there are some structural explanation, contradictory set of norms and dishonesty rampancy that contribute to the spread of this vice in the police force. On the same point the article delves to document that there has been formation of inquiries into the matter that have in fact drafted recommendations of the same problem. On the contrary, the article also states some of the instances of police brutality for instance harassment. Notably, the article also says that this vice can be stopped with the enactment of the police act which serves to discipline errant behaviour. On the same not, the article also documents that this will be the first step towards police reforms. To this end, this illegal vices need to be fought against in bid to boost service
Friday, September 27, 2019
Human Biology - Regulation and Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Human Biology - Regulation and Control - Essay Example Noble et al (1964) denotes that males respond faster to responses than females (p. 945). In addition, Luchies et al. (2002) asserts that response is always high among the young individuals till the late twenties and reduces as the individual approaches fifty years to sixty years (p. 142). Through the experiment, we will identify the differences in the responses among different genders and age. Methodology and Procedure We will consider the responses of different individuals in order to come up with a typology that addresses the distinctions on how people respond to reactions. The experiment will involve the use of a sharp object that will be used to trigger a reaction on each individual. In reference to Kosinski (2010), an external body that comes into contact with the human skin causes an impulse in the nervous system and triggers a reaction. This experiment is aimed at showing how fast the individuals will react. Each of these individuals will be exposed to one prick at a time whil e holding a ruler on the other side. This is to allow the body nervous system to send only one impulse at a time. Kosinski (2010) asserts that this allows the body to react effectively. Exposure to several pricks will lead to a triggering of many responses and may take longer for the body to determine which response to carry out. The individual exposed to the prick is expected to drop the ruler once he senses the pain. The time differences on how each of the individual responds to the stimuli will be measured and recorded in a table. The time difference and the speed at which each individual releases the ruler will be calculated using the s = so + vot + ?at2 formulae. The time difference at which each individual releases the ruler will be recorded in the table below. The experiment will employ univariate analysis of descriptive statistics to test the hypothesis about the relationships or the differences in the population grounded on the measurements of the samples. Time by Student Time by Teacher Male Female Male Female The Sample The sample, as indicated in the objective of the experiment, will involve two factors that affect reaction times in individuals. According to Welford (1980), various factors affect an individual’s response to stimuli (p. 13). Sanders (1998, p. 23) assert that individuals respond differently to stimuli according to their age and gender. The experiment will use four students, both male and female, and four teachers, male and female. The Results After the experiment, the students showed a higher response than the teachers while male students and teachers had a higher response than the female teachers and students. Response Time by Student (seconds) Response Time by Teacher (Seconds) Male Female Male Female 0.12s 0.18s 0.18s 0.22s 0.16s 0.19s 0.185s 0.21s The Means are 0.14, 0.185, 0.1825, 0.215 seconds for male students, female students, male teachers and female teachers respectively. From the experiment, we can deduce that males have a lower reaction time than female, and as according to Rose et al (2002, p. 27), reaction time increases with an increase in ages. Though the experiment did not use a large sample, it gave us an idea on the factors that affect response to stimuli of individuals. However, the empirical assessment of individual response to stimuli obtained from this typology may require future additions. There is room for future research just like Whelan (2008,
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Western Cultural Influence on Japanese Artistry Essay
Western Cultural Influence on Japanese Artistry - Essay Example Between the Meiji Restoration in the latter half of the 19th century and the Taisho Era prior to the First World War, Japanese culture was significantly changed due to Western influence and the styles of traditional Japanese art were changed or largely abandoned for Western artistic techniques. During the period of Japanese isolation, artists were inspired to draw from their own cultural history and to create artwork based on the development of traditional techniques. Their work was heavily influenced by religious beliefs such as Buddhism and the Yoga lifestyle; after Western cultures were introduced to the nation, artists would study abroad and bring home classic European techniques such as impressionism, post-impressionism and eclecticism that would both stand alone and change the traditional Japanese techniques into new styles. During the early years of Western perception of Japanese art, many traditional styles were viewed as identical, due simply to the fact that European and North American audiences were not accustomed to them (Tipton, pp.53-55). While post-war Japan would be indisputably influenced by international cultures, it was the years of the Meiji Restoration and the Taisho era that started the artistic shift from traditional Japanese to modern Western styles. ... Aside from sculpting Buddhas and the development of early ceramic techniques that would become invaluable throughout the world, Japanese artists took quite easily to painting as a major form of art. The fact that calligraphy was in itself an art form, rendered not only for function but for beauty, had a direct hand in the large-scale development of Japanese painting because both involved the use of a brush. Brush skills were such a rudimentary part of Japanese life that it was second nature for artists to pick up a paintbrush and work on complete pictures instead of just characters. Because of this initial correlation between calligraphy and painting, one can easily see how the latter developed from the former. Japanese painting has traditionally utilized the same brush techniques as were necessary for the formation of calligraphy characters; these were further developed however the origins of such painting techniques can easily be discerned. Where traditional European painting was characterized by the use of the paintbrush to show objects in realistic form by making use of light and shading, Japanese painting formed as an offshoot of calligraphy and therefore objects were portrayed in a basic style that used individual lines in a form of impressionism. Artwork in the Edo Period, immediately prior to the Meija era, encompassed not only painting and ceramics, but architecture and woodblock prints. Stunning architectural styles were not only beautiful when standing alone, but they were created in conjunction with various gardens that were designed to showcase the buildings in the best light. Traditional Japanese architecture is internationally famed alongside the country's ceramics, silk weaving and other art forms, but perhaps most unique
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Original topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Original topic - Essay Example More than 40 years passed since the signing the US’s Civil Right Act which stated the equality between Whites and Blacks. Both parties were to access public services equally rather this is not the case since divisions are permeating. Accompanying these divisions is the American Identity paradox. The society has two avenues of foundation, one is on the principles of justice, and equality and the other are on the traditional racism and popular slavery traditions. Although this situation may somehow reflect original cultural and political events, the psychological factors that determine this challenge are pervasive and enduring. Both within and beyond America, the undetermined globalization brings in new psychological, social and economical challenges for the host. With reference to the recently observed ethnic divisions in Europe and Asia, the viewpoints on the varying values, traditions, and belief among the host and immigrants can facilitate observable conflict and violence (G up, 2010,March 13th). Racism and Stereotypes Racism and stereotyping existed in the past and is still present in America. Puerto Rican girls growing up in the United States, they have had a different view because of the Hispanic appearance. For example, a girl in the text grew up in New Jersey and the culture around her was all Puerto Rican. The food, language and all cultural beliefs and behaviors were all Puerto Rican. The girls learnt Puerto Rican culture from masses, dress code and the mode of life reflected their culture. The surveillance the girl received mainly strict due to the culture and family expectations. The girls learnt and received teachings how to dress like elderly women and this sent a different message to other people seeing them as being too mature. The dress code that is the lack of too loud colors provided an avenue for stereotyping by their fellow friends. While attending a business school, the girl lacked an idea of what to wear. She decided to put on what s he saw it felt and looked agreeable to her. An Italian-American cajoled her for wearing everything at once. Men and employers in the street often misinterpreted the accessories, ornaments and short skirts worn by the Puerto Rican girls (Ortiz, n.d) The stereotype that existed of the Hispanic woman is that of hot tamale' or what they many call sexual firebrand. The same idea has received a promotion and backing by many media parties. The women from Latin America receive descriptions such as sizzling and smoldering, which normally used in describing foods. This shows how stereotyping in America exists on a higher scale. According to some reports about the Puerto Rican women at work some men requested sexual favors from the women and upon rejection, they received firing letters. The color the Puerto Rican and Latin women prefer is scarlet, and that originated from their chromosomes. In tropical islands, women and older women often would show skin as a way to keep their bodies cool. How ever, the protection from the family and extended family members gave them the opportunity to do so. In the current world, they receive a different view in a manner that they are depicting loose morals (Ortiz, n.d). In Kansas City, an incident occurred where a Drug Enforcement Administration officer stopped a young man who was out of a flight from Los Angeles. The reason behind the stopping is that, according
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Biography of Albert Einstein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Biography of Albert Einstein - Essay Example Thus Einstein spent only six weeks in his place of birth. The image of Albert Einstein as an intellectual giant does not relate to skills as a kid. He could scarcely talk till the age of three. Taking this disadvantage into consideration, it was not expected that he would become a scientist whom the world would remember and respect for ever. Despite the problem in speaking, Einstein used to be very constructive and creative right from his early childhood. It has been recorded that he was really good in making tall card castles. It was also evident that he was different from his peers and had interests quite varied from that of children of his age. One ideal example of this is that he did not enjoy playing soldier which used to be a very common game amongst children of his age. Interestingly, at the age of twelve he got totally involved in a geometry book (Lewis, 1985). For a boy of this age to get interested in geometry when children of his age played around with toy cars, suggested the extra ordinary scientific aptitude he possessed even early during his childhood. Education The initial days of Albert Einstein’s schooling was done in Munich. He began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium (Lewis, 1985). He was not a bright student at this school. It has also been argued that as a young boy with high aptitude in Science, the school and the syllabus could not be of interest to Einstein. In the autobiography notes of Einstein it has been mentioned that he developed disinterest in the education system and distrust on the educators. However, the fact that Einstein does live up to the academic standards that the school doesn’t mean that he was slow student. It has been recorded in his autobiography that he came up with his own proof for the Pythagoras theory early in the age of 12 (Einstein,1987). Later, in the year 1894, the family business which was run in Munich collapsed. The family was forced to move from Munich. Young Einstein was of fifteen the n. He had to drop out of high school. The family moved to Italy. Einstein took a break from his education for a year as the family was still getting adapted to and settled in Italy. The next year he tried getting into Eidgen?ossiche Technische Hochschule which is the Federal Institute of Technology.. However he couldn’t pass the entrance examination. He then studied for a year in Swiss high School. He graduated from this school in the year 1896 (Lewis, 1985). This qualification further helped him get admitted to Eidgen?ossiche Technische Hochschule. He was not a bright student here in the Federal Institute as well. It has been reported by a number of researchers that Einstein’s teachers didn’t even expect him to pass this course. He continuously tried to organize a University scholarship to support his studies and living expenses. Attributing to the poor academic records all these efforts were turned down by the University. He also tried to get into a job of a h igher secondary teacher along with his studies so that he could manage his living expenses. He was not successful in getting this as well. He successfully graduated from Eidgen?ossiche Technische Hochschule in the year 1900. An analysis of the schooling and education of Einstein suggests that he never had been a bright student. He studies in three different countries including Germany, Italy and Switzerland. Early Years of Work Albert Einstein’s initial days of professional endeavors were unduly in nature. He had to survive with small scale jobs for many years. He had been relying on temporary tutoring and teaching jobs for his survival. Being a mediocre in terms of academic performance, he couldn’
Monday, September 23, 2019
Job analysis and competency models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Job analysis and competency models - Essay Example Job analysis describes work, whereas competency modeling influences behavior. The major purpose of job analysis is to bring a better comprehension of the work assignments and to measure them as well, that is, it determines the trait relevance. On the other hand, competency modeling intends to influence the way in which this work assignments are executed so that they are in line with strategy of the organization in that it heightens situational strength (Wilson, 2012). In this regard, the two approaches are complementary. Job analysis describes a job as an abstract entity whereas competency modeling influences workers into enacting their role. It presents a job as a social construction that is separate from the employee that holds it with performance considered as a by-product of an individual’s interpretation of the job. This is evident in the job titles, which date back to the advent of division of labor following industrial revolution. Competency modeling, then again, views a job as function that is first to be interpreted by an employee before enacting it (Weiner, 2013). The latter method seems to be more practical then the former. Job analysis is about the past, whereas competency modeling is futuristic. The descriptive nature of job analysis means that it is past-oriented and depends on those workers, who have already done the work in the past, as the main source of information, that is, it depicts the job the exact execution in the present. On the contrary, competency modeling focuses on how the job ought to be interpreted and enacted as from the present into the future, regardless of what has been done in the past ( Weiner, 2013). In this context, the methods lie on two varying extremes. Job analysis is job focused rather than focusing on the organization, just as competency modeling does. Practically, job analysis focuses on the job even from the name itself. It fails to recognize the possibility of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
United States Federal Tax Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
United States Federal Tax Law - Assignment Example United States Federal Tax Law On January 3, 2009, Kathy and Frank Willow got married and entered into a contract with Hive Construction Corporation to build a house for $3,000,000 to be used as their main home. On November 10, 2010, when the outstanding principal balance on the mortgage loan was $2,500,000, the FMV of the property fell to $1,750,000 and Kathy and Frank abandoned the property by permanently moving out. They had made interest payments of $130,000 in 2009 and 2010 and paid $50,000 of principal in each year of those years (2009 and 2010) to bring the mortgage balance from $2,600,000 to $2,500,000 just before the date of abandonment. The lender foreclosed on the property and, on December 5, 2010, sold the property to another buyer for $1,750,000. More than one year after the foreclosure, and after heated negotiations, the couple convinced Outside Lender to cancel the remaining debt. So, on December 26, 2011, the lender canceled the remaining debt owing. Kathy and Frank are filing a joint return for 2011. On December 26 2011, Kathy and Frank had $15,000 in a savings account, household furnishings with an FMV of $17,000, a car with an FMV of $10,000, and $18,000 in credit card debt. The household furnishings originally cost $30,000. The car had been fully paid off (so there was no related outstanding debt) and was originally purchased for $16,000. Kathy and Frank had no adjustments to the cost basis of the car. Kathy and Frank had no other assets. ... Kathy and Frank had no other assets or liabilities at that time, except for the Disputed Amount that remains in dispute. (a) What are the tax consequences to Kathy and Frank, if any, for each year? It should be noted that foreclosure occurred before Kathy and Frank cancelled their debt; therefore, they are liable to gain or loss from the foreclosure. Since they maintained personal liability for the $ 750,000 of the remaining debt, then they were liable to cancellation. Additionally, the insolvency exclusion cannot apply in the Kathy and Frank case since their indebtedness did not qualify for the principal residence (Lyon 64). However, the same could have only applied if their insolvency could have been excluded instead of the indebtedness. Additionally, it should be considered that the remaining part of the debt just before the cancellation did not qualify as principal residence indebtedness since only part of the loan could qualify as the principal indebtedness. Therefore, Kathy and Frank must have ordered for the cancellation. (b) Same as (a) except Hive Construction Corporation financed the purchase of the house for Kathy and Frank and Hive Corporation agreed to reduce the debt to 1,750,000 on December 26 2011 and Kathy and Frank continue to live in the houseand there was no foreclosure in 2010? To this extent, Kathy and Frank do not have the right to elect insolvency exclusion as could be in the case of principle residence exclusion. However, they are liable to apply for the insolvency exclusion to $500,000 for the nonqualified debts since such debt is never qualified as principal residence indebtedness. Kathy and Frank have no tax attribute up to the year 2010 other than the use of basic
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Basketball and Favorite Club Essay Example for Free
Basketball and Favorite Club Essay Club My favorite club is the FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America). It really is a nice experience to help others and give advice. I like being in a club that is dedicated to helping others. We also go on field trips which are pretty fun. It gives us a chance to have a good time with friends. The FCCLA is hands down my favorite club. When we get to help others it really makes me proud. We took a trip to an elementary school and read to some kids. The kids really enjoyed us coming. We read to them and helped them with arts and craft. We also helped the needy by giving them canned goods. FCCLa gives us a good chance to show our caring side. Field trips are another reason The FCCLa is my favorite club. This year we have a chance to go to King Dominion. I have only been once, and Im really looking forward to going. They give us chances to do fundraising to reduce the price, which really helps us. We also have a chance to go to a basketball game. IVe always wanted to go to an NBA game, but I never had a chance. All these reasons make the FCCLA my favorite club. The fccla helps us grow as a person, unlike some other clubs. Giving us situations to help others and providing for those in need. There is no other club that does that. This makes me proud to be in the FCCLa.
Friday, September 20, 2019
KFCs Ethical Policies
KFCs Ethical Policies KFC Corporation, also known as Kentucky Fried Chicken is a fast food chain based in Louisville, a subsidiary brand of its parents company Yum! Brands. Kentucky Fried Chicken was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1952, while the idea of KFCs fried chicken actually goes back to 1930. The company adopted the condensed form of its name in 1991. KFC has doing some ethical social responsibilities for years; like the KFC Colonels Scholars Program is about to give scholarship up to $20,000 offered to high school seniors planning to attend a public in-state college or university. Also in Social Diversity, their global culture is developing a workforce that is diverse in different segment actively, where everyone can make a difference. In this report will be discussing about business ethics of KFC, their main ethical dilemmas together with theories and relative importance and, the good practice and values behind that together with some recommendations and strategies. This Ethical Audit Report of KFC was divided into four main structures to cover all elements, first is main ethical dilemmas of KFC, continue with part two which is relative importance and ethical theory to the dilemmas of KFC. Follows with part three, good practices and values of KFC and the last part is recommendations and strategic options to KFC. 1. Main Ethical Dilemmas of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) The main KFCs ethical dilemmas which they are currently facing with, and how they affect various stakeholders. Business simply means a structure of an applied system that practice ethical principles and moral problems that occur in a business environment. Where as dilemmas can be defined as A situation that requires one to choose between two equally balanced and often equally unpleasant alternatively or, a predicament that seemingly defies a satisfactory solution (David Murray 1997: pg. 112)      In doing a business, especially international or in a global company, a person must be able to compromise all different cultural in different countries, it is not easy to make a business to success. From the aspects of ethics, cultural relativism is so much related into it. The ethic of cultural relativists views other cultures, not as wrong, but as different. This means that they define â€Å"good or right†as â€Å"communally approved†by the majority in a given culture in a country or a particular land, this may because everyone in a particular land does it, peoples beliefs and practices is already shaped by the environment. 1.1 Chicken Abuse, and the PETA Every year, KFC needs 700 million supplies of chickens for the entire worldwide restaurants. While KFCs claim that they â€Å"only deal with suppliers who promise to maintain our high standards and commitment to animal welfare†. But about the treatment of the chickens it buys, a proof of graphic evidence, a video was taken by an investigator of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) had showing that the chickens was purposely abused by the workers. The video was taking in a slaughterhouse, at a Pilgrims Pride plant in Moorefield West Virginia, where the workers kicking live chickens like playing footballs, thumping them into walls, apparently those workers do it just for fun. This does not happens once, the investigation of PETA on KFC shows that there are so many suppliers of KFC had committed into this behaviour. Only in United States many suppliers have involved in, one of them is Tyson slaughterhouse. In the slaughterhouse showed that birds purposely were burnt to death, were blown apart by makeshift firecrackers, and broke their legs by the workers so that it can be fit into slaughter-line shackles. Tyson is KFCs number one supplier. (All related pictures please refer to Appendix 1)      Other country, the most popular issue on the abuse by the supplier of KFC is happens on India. Chickens was found overstuffed into awfully crowded warehouse plagued with chicken carcasses, cruel breeding practices, sick and injured chickens but never received any medical attention, and they suffering at the hands of cruel workers who neglected to examine even minimal ethics of animal welfare. (For details in this issue please refers to Appendix 2) Animal abusing can be defined as the most serious Ethical Dilemmas on KFC. 1.2 Health Problems, Fried fast food Fried is like almost everything in KFC, the main course from the menu in KFC is actually fried chickens. Unlike any other fast food brand, common one-McDonalds, which in their menu french fries is just a side dish. In the past few years, KFC has been sued by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CPSI), charged with the food contains â€Å"staggering sum†of trans fat. In one three-piece chicken combo meal contains 15 grams of trans fat, which is over the limit that a person should have in one week. CPSI (2006) through press release said that â€Å"The class-action suit asks that the court prohibit KFC from using partially hydrogenated oil, or that at the very least, signs be posted in KFC outlets notifying customers that many KFC foods are high in trans fat.†The suit was filed in Superior Court of the District of Columbia.      These trans fat is actually harming consumers health, KFC as the worlds most popular chicken fast food chain, over 14,000 outlets around the world, with more than 12 million customer eating their â€Å"fried†chickens every day. Just imaging, their unethical behavior has influenced widely against their customers. It is a serious ethical dilemmas which can be found in KFC. 2. Relative Importance and Ethical Theory to the Dilemmas of KFC 2.1 Relative Importance and Ethical Theory to the dilemmas on Chicken Abuse, and the PETA KFC and its parent, Yum Brands, states at their website on Animal Treatment that: â€Å"Yum! Brands and KFC believe treating animals humanely and with care is a key part of our quality assurance efforts. This means animals should be free from mistreatment at all possible times from how they are raised and cared for to how they are transported and processed. Our goal is to only deal with suppliers who provide an environment that is free from cruelty, abuse and neglect.†(      Yet, all the abuse behaviours still occurs in almost all KFC suppliers slaughterhouse. A spokeswoman for KFC responded for the video said: â€Å"the company wouldnt tolerate the type of behaviours in the video. KFC will require that the employee or employees responsible be terminated, and further violations will â€Å"result in termination of our relationship.†(Bonnie Warschauer 2004)      KFC has formed the KFC Animal Welfare Advisory Council, which consists of greatly regarded experts in the field. The Council provides KFC with information and suggestion based on relevant data and scientific research. KFC has done something for the issue, but it seems like not really effective on defeating to the problems. But in fact, one of the advisors in the council had come out to say that â€Å"KFC never had any meetings. They never asked any advice, and then they touted to the press that they had this animal-welfare advisory committee. I felt like I was being used.†(Dr. Adele Douglass, former animal welfare advisor to KFC, Chicago Tribune 2006)      On the year 2003, as the works done by KFC does not improving the situation, PETA sued Kentucky Fried Chicken and called for a boycott to KFCs food, demanding that it require its suppliers to give chickens more room in factory barns, stop forcing growth so rapid that it cripples birds, and to gas birds before hanging them so they feel no pain.      The ethical theory Theological or Consequentiality state that to judge whether an action is right or wrong is by looking at the consequences justify the means. It is corporate Social Responsibility to see that all rules and Code of Conduct is adhered to by KFC. 2.2 Relative Importance and Ethical Theory to the dilemmas on Health Problem, Fried Fast Food According to this trans fat issue, a spokesperson from KFC Laurie Schalow (2007) issued a statement saying that: â€Å"We take health and safety issues very seriously. We provide a variety of menu choices and provide nutrition information, including trans fat values, on our website and in our restaurants so consumers can make informed choices before they purchase our products. Our company is reviewing alternative oil options, but there are a number of factors to consider including maintaining KFCs unique taste and flavour of Colonel Sanders Original Recipe, supply availability and transportation, among others.†This has prove that KFC has initiative to take action on the issue, but yet, still have other profits relates concerns, such as in the statement stated, they afraid they might lost the unique taste thus losing customers at the same time, and it sure will decrease the annual profits.      KFC has taken a big step in their chains history by launching the Kentucky Grilled Chicken. In this combo meal, contains only 395 calories, even lower than a subway Italian B.M.T sandwich which contains 450 calories. And the main point is, guarantee no trans fat. KFC promote their new Grilled Chicken on the famous show Oprah Winfreys daytime talk show, by offering free meal using print out coupon on the related site. (For the coupon picture and details please refer to Appendix 3) The action taken was proved that KFC has strong initiative to promote both Fried and Grilled Chicken in their chains, as people now is really concern and sensitive on what they are eating especially on fast food meals.      This big move has pop up more questions; based on the history of KFC, the main focus of the meal is Fried Chicken, when the focus added with Grilled Chicken meal, should they also change their name into Kentucky Grilled Chicken? The problem that the company facing is, how to promote their new meal and also keeping their regular customer who used to Fried Chicken while doing so. The greed to keep old customers that are loyal to only fried chicken especially the name, are immoral. The last but not least, why would this healthy Grilled Chicken meal only available in US but not worldwide while KFC is an international fast food chain?      Respect for persons- Kants ethics and duty explain that it is the age of enlightenment was marked by an emphasis on human reason. According to Kants first formulation and the Categorical imperative was- â€Å"I ought never to accept in such a way that I can also will that my Maxim should become universal law†. KFC should act in such a way in accordance to Kantian view- â€Å"that act always to treat humanity- never always as a means but always at the same time as an end.†I always believe that humans are rational animals because of their power and reason. (Essentials of Business Ethics, George Chryssides and John Kaler, pg 31-34)      The ethic of Natural Law explains the fundamental moral rights that every company should have towards their customers and those associated the organization for instance stakeholders. 3. Ethical Good Practices and Values of KFC KFC as a worlds most famous chicken fast food chain has uncountable employees working for them. Basically, the employees are representative of KFC as they work immediately to the customers. Thus, as their employees produce goods (prepare foods), provide services (serve walk-in customer in KFC restaurant) to the customers everyday, a good practices of to train a professional staff, and how they treating their employees is a must to KFC in order to constitute the essential outputs of the company. 3.1 Protect Employees Health and Safety, as Working Condition Every year, there are more than 5000 workers are killed and over 3,000,000 are seriously injured as a results of work accident in the world. Workplace hazard always the main causes workers get hurts, include not only obvious categories like mechanical injury or burns but also extremely heat and cold, skin irritants or noisy machinery. In KFCs restaurants kitchen, their workers facing with deep fried machine, hot oven, cutting machine and bad air condition everyday. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (1994), is the most recent legislation in Malaysia, to safe guard safety and health of works. KFC should abide by the rules and this act, is ethical. When their employees feel save in their work place, firm will have good reputation though. 3.2 Provides Job Satisfaction, as Working Condition The work of Manuel G. Velasques (1996) emphasis that the rational parts of the organization put a high value on efficiency: All jobs and tasks are to be designed so as to achieve the organizations goals as efficiently as possible. When efficiency is achieved through specialization, the rational aspects of organizations tend to incorporate highly specialized jobs. As we known, working in a fast food restaurant is definitely bore with keep on repeating the same jobs everyday with no exception. This leads to job dissatisfaction to the workers, it will change their attitudes when they feel annoyed in doing their works, this is also why some customers complaint on they got rude services in the chain. Efficiency is achieved by understanding the workers motivational patterns. Professor Abrahim Maslow cited in his research the 5 need factors, for example security, social and esteem. This factors are ethical and enhances productivity at KFC both local and internationally.      When employees happy, they will work happily and then treat their customer better, the golden rule is to recognize the differences is cultures and economic development of the countries. To better value KFC, the fair trade concept is to be utilized further to firms, community involvement, targeting should be the code of practices in KFC. 4. Strategic Options and the Recommendations to KFC To my understanding and learning the recommendations and strategic options to KFC to improve and to defend themselves against the critics. KFC should have the responsibilities to take care their employees health and safety in their workplace, what employer can and should do is offer higher wages to compensate the risk measure by different position. A better one to ensure their workers against unknown accident that might happen anytime, employer should provide them with suitable insurance programs. A little bit costly, but a good one is advise KFC to form a special team, to collect information, researching on the health and safety issue on the working environment which where their workers facing everyday. Then come out with the results together with solution and steps recommendations information available to all KFC employees around the world. â€Å"Excessive job specialization is undesirable for other reasons than that it places unjust burdens on workers. There is also considerable evidence that it does not contribute to efficiency. Research findings have demonstrated that there is a link-age between worker productivity and programs that improve the quality of work life for workers by giving workers greater involvement in and control over a variety work tasks. †(Manuel G. Velasques 1996: pg 462) Thus, KFC should make the operation efficiently like held parties involved customer and workers quarterly, or a outstanding idea such as choose the best worker in different country and offer them to have exchange colleague (similar with exchange student) to work in other countrys outlet with a duration one to three months with fully allowanced by company, this sure will motivated workers to do hard work on their working days. The stakeholders management should include the improvement in Communications, where there is possible setback the whistle blowing ethic should be applied as a strategic option where as the recommendations would be to set up a panel to do constant analysis on different options as the Marketing, and Operations issues, for instance the coordination activities in Service Management, Public Relation and Advertising techniques. The ethical theory of Technological or Consequentialist states the â€Å"end justify the means†. This further is depended by Kants ethics of duty. The consequentialism is that human welfare is best served by moral responsibilities. Equal rights refers to equal opportunities for all workers with out exploitation. Buddha in his teachings said â€Å"do not do what is evil, do what is good, keep your mind pure†.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Bush v Gore :: essays research papers
Bush v. Gore Bush v. Gore was a controversial case that was heard on December 11, 2000. This case decided the outcome of the 2000 presidential election between Vice President Gore and Texas Governor George W. Bush.      The election took place on Nov 7, 2000. Under our electoral college system each state votes for our new president separately, a winner is then declared in each state and is awarded â€Å"electoral votes†that is equal to the states number of representatives in the House and Senate. Gore led Bush 266-246 and 270 votes are required for victory. Florida with 25 electoral votes did not have an official winner because the result was inside of the margin of error for machine counting.      Gore knew the only way to figure this out was to have a manual recount of several counties ballots. As Palm Beach County was recounting its ballots Florida Secretary Harris, a Republican and co-chair of the Florida Bush campaign, officially certified the election for Bush. In reaction to this decision Gore and Palm Beach filed suit against Bush and Harris in Florida Supreme court demanding that the recount should go on. On November 22, Bush appealed to the United States Supreme Court against Palm Beach County Canvassing Board stating the decision was in violation of a federal statute requiring electors to be finished at a given point before the Electoral College met. After many more suits were filed oral arguments in Bush v. Gore were brought before the US Supreme Court on December 11, 2000 by lawyers representing both sides. Due to the nature of the case the court gave its opinion in only 16 hours after hearing the arguments. Bush’s representation questioned that, Does recounts in Florida violate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment to the United States Constitution? Because all the votes were being counted unevenly, with standards varying from county to county, where recounts in counties where he could have majority were not being conducted. Bush Argued the decision went against the Constitution stating â€Å"nor shall any State†¦. Deny to any person within the equal protection of the laws.†Gore’s representation responded that the Florida Supreme court hade done everything it could to establish equal treatment of both parties, and that requiring all ballots to be treated in the same manner would require a new federal standard for counting votes. Gore also claimed that ending recounts was not a good way to settle this extraordinary dispute.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Microscope Lab Report Essay -- Microscopes
Lab Work Not Included The purpose for completing this lab was to observe how microscopes function. The invention & evolution of the microscope has been an ongoing process since the Middle Ages, when the first convex magnifying lenses were introduced. In 1590, the Jansen Brothers invented the first compound microscope (two or more lenses).However, Antony van Leevenwenhoek created the first â€Å"true†microscope, in 1665, with 300x magnification & unbelievable resolution. During the late 1700’s, the microscope was reinvented with 1500x magnification. The most recent advancement in microscopes is the electron microscope, which was invented in 1930. This particular model uses an electron beam, instead of light & 4,000,000x magnifications with incredible resolution. There are many different parts of a microscope and each one has its own unique purpose. The compound microscope has 13 main parts. The base & arm are used to carry the microscope. The lamp or mirror is the source of light, the body tube lets light through, & the diaphragm controls the amount of light. There are also three dif... Microscope Lab Report Essay -- Microscopes Lab Work Not Included The purpose for completing this lab was to observe how microscopes function. The invention & evolution of the microscope has been an ongoing process since the Middle Ages, when the first convex magnifying lenses were introduced. In 1590, the Jansen Brothers invented the first compound microscope (two or more lenses).However, Antony van Leevenwenhoek created the first â€Å"true†microscope, in 1665, with 300x magnification & unbelievable resolution. During the late 1700’s, the microscope was reinvented with 1500x magnification. The most recent advancement in microscopes is the electron microscope, which was invented in 1930. This particular model uses an electron beam, instead of light & 4,000,000x magnifications with incredible resolution. There are many different parts of a microscope and each one has its own unique purpose. The compound microscope has 13 main parts. The base & arm are used to carry the microscope. The lamp or mirror is the source of light, the body tube lets light through, & the diaphragm controls the amount of light. There are also three dif...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Merciless Death in Katherine Anne Porters The Jilting of Granny Weathe
Merciless Death in The Jilting of Granny Weatherall      In "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall," Katherine Anne Porter gives readers a glimpse of the thoughts of a woman about to die. Lying in her bed in her daughter Cornelia's house, eighty-year-old Granny Weatherall drifts in and out of consciousness. Through her thoughts of events both current and bygone, it is learned that Granny has worked hard all her life, and frequently tells herself that she did a good job. She thinks of events that made her stronger: digging holes for fence posts, "riding country roads in the winter when women had their babies" (311), taking care of sick animals and sick children. Though Granny Weatherall tries to assure herself that her life has been rewarding, she is in fact unsatisfied in her last hours because of things left undone, being treated like a child in her old age, and loved ones she has lost.  When it becomes apparent to her that her time is running out, Granny realizes there are many things left undone that she meant to do. Granny thinks of tomorrow, a time that is "far away" and ...
Monday, September 16, 2019
Christopher Columbus Essay Essay
Good Guy or Bad Guy? â€Å"Columbus Day Controversy†, written by Nanette Croce, is a non-aboriginal perspective on the controversy concerning whether or not Columbus Day should be celebrated. The articles states that many Native American decedents and their supporters believe that by celebrating Columbus Day, the entire country is joining in celebrating the genocide of millions of native people in North and South America. An annual Columbus Day celebrations started in Colorado as a period of hope for Italian-Americans. The author argues that while she sees how the Native Americans could be offended, the celebrations aren’t about Columbus. He is merely a symbol to the Italian-American community showing Italy’s past accomplishments. Though the article is more about the significance of Columbus Day to Italian-Americans, I can concur that Christopher Columbus was more bad then good. The article states that â€Å"it was not my peoples’ finest hour†. The author believes such as Italian-Americans have Columbus Day, the natives Americans deserve a national holiday for a Native American hero because in reality the Natives were here years before Columbus stumbled upon Hispaniola. In conclusion, I do not believe Columbus deserves a city, much less a whole day of celebration. If I had lived in his time, his actions still wouldn’t have been morally acceptable. Columbus has been given too much credit, especially because not only was he looking for Asia but there were natives living there for years before Columbus got there. I believe, even with his immoral actions, Columbus Day will still be celebrated because of his significance.
Osim International
Contents 1. Introduction to Osim International4 2. Competitive Strategy4 3. Company value chain4 3. 1Innovation5 3. 2Operations Management5 4. Non-financial analysis5 4. 1Corporate Social Responsibility5 4. 2Consumer Sentiments6 4. 3Corporate Culture6 4. 4Customer Retention and Growth6 5. Global outlook7 6. Industry outlook of healthy lifestyle products7 7. Comparison between Osim and its competitors8 8. Osim Financials8 8. 1Company’s Financial Ratios8 8. 2Market Prospects9 8. 2. 1Osim on its own9 8. 2. 2Osim vs. Selected peers (VGO, Best World, Ogawa, Jacks)9 8. 2. 3Osim vs. STI10 8. 3Projected Performance10 9. Conclusion11 Appendix A12 Appendix B16 Appendix C19 Appendix D24 Appendix E25 Appendix F26 ? 1. Introduction to Osim International Osim International Ltd. (Osim) is a Singapore listed company; a global leader in the healthy lifestyle products industry. It has been led since its inception by CEO Ron Sim, the company’s value driver, instrumental in bringing Osim to where it is today, greatly influencing its vision, mission and values with his personal touch. The company has expanded to more than 1,100 stores in more than 30 countries worldwide. Within the next 3 to 5 years, they plan to open over 50 outlets and further expand their subsidiaries, GNC and RichLife. . Competitive Strategy In view of the current economic situation, Osim seeks to cautiously and optimistically ‘focus on building profitability, positive EBITDA and operating cash flow’ . Even though they have exceeded sales expectations so far this year, this may be challenging given that they operate in a niche market easily affect ed by consumer sentiment and other global events. Osim feels a strong balance sheet is integral to meeting this aim, achievable through enhanced operational efficiency and outlets being leaner and more effective in sales. With Brand Osim, they desire an image that is one with (the) healthy lifestyle’ . This demonstrates their aspiration to not only be the market leader, but to also be the brand with the best recall and association. Furthermore, Osim adopts a two-pronged approach of innovation and growth; creating demand through innovation and development to support the anticipated US market recovery and the Chinese markets’ expansion. There is also focus on their most important resource, employees; training and empowering talents with emphasis on corporate culture alignment. 3. Company value chain Osim’s value chain involves two main processes: Innovation and Operations Management. . 1Innovation Research and development (R&D) is a process given much emphasis as Osim strives to release new and relevant products to create demand and to keep a technological edge above its competition, resulting in products such as the iDesire and iMedic amongst others. This has won consumers and its efforts were rewarded in 2008, voted as Asia’s most preferred brand for massage ch airs . This is also inculcated in their brand image with their desire to include ‘intelligent innovation’ . 3. 2Operations Management Operations management includes Osim’s manufacturing and retail arms. Upon subjecting raw material to their respective manufacturing processes, Osim creates a product that it believes will add value for consumers and entice them to pay a premium to obtain their desired quality of life. Its retail arm works with an aggressive marketing department to promote their products. Whilst costs are high, the perceived product value added is proportionately high. 4. Non-financial analysis 4. 1Corporate Social Responsibility Osim aims to encourage a positive attitude towards healthy lifestyles. Osim Triathlons in various Asian countries , and the Osim Singapore Masters are some sporting events it has sponsored. While Osim promotes itself as a lifestyle brand, for example, through the promotion of the uSqueez leg massager which appeals to triathletes, they have also donated to the Children’s Cancer Foundation and supported an endowment fund with the NUS Business School . Osim has also demonstrated accountability to society by recalling its products twice . The urgency to recall defective products has shown Osim’s commitment to civic responsibility. However, the recall affected Osim’s reputation as customers were put through the hassle of claiming damages. Despite this, Osim’s branding remains strong and is still one of the world’s most reliable providers in its industry. Accountability to investors was also demonstrated when they came in runners-up in the ‘Most Transparent Company Award (Commerce)’ in SIAS Investors’ Choice Award. 4. 2Consumer Sentiments In a 2008 survey by Synovate , Osim attained the ‘No. 1 Healthy Lifestyle Products Brand’ in consumers’ minds across Asia. The findings show Osim’s strong Asian customer base and affirms its effective branding as a leading provider of innovative products with design and quality, performance, and safety standards. Furthermore, massage chair sales in China has maintained good growth with easy-to-buy payment schemes. 4. 3Corporate Culture A strong corporate culture inculcating positive thinking has been used as a tool to survive market movements. This tool is behind the entrance of new innovations and the extension of Osim’s reach into the global market. Besides this, substantial shareholdings by key management ensures management goals are correctly aligned with that of shareholders’ . 4. 4Customer Retention and Growth In 2005, Osim was rated by Nielsen Consumers as the number one brand in seven attributes . Osim is also a member of Superbrands . To date, higher end products are made in Japan, a country recognized for its quality and precision . Mid-tier to lower end products are manufactured in China to reduce costs. Although manufactured in China, Osim ensures reliability and quality of these products. The market share gained from the provision of quality products has been shown in the same Synovate survey as mentioned above. Osim has also invested heavily in marketing, often publishing its advertisements in various media to increase its brand presence. These include centrespreads in major newspapers as well as television commercials, reigning in celebrities such as S. H. E and Fiona Xie. This fortifies their brand’s credibility, with the aim of converting new customers and retaining current ones. In a way, they have already created a strong and secure customer base and exclusive attention can be placed on gaining additional market share within the region and globally. 5. Global outlook Since the global recession, the market has rebounded with the STI currently trading around 2,600 points, a level last seen a year ago . We are currently believed to be in the accumulation phase , with economic growth expected in the coming years. Global markets have stabilized while key export markets such as the US and Europe remain fairly weak . A rapid recovery is in line for Asian economies, but continued soft private demand means that fiscal and monetary measures must be sustained to ensure continued growth. 6. Industry outlook of healthy lifestyle products Osim’s business efforts are concentrated on an increasingly affluent Asia , especially in countries like Singapore and China, where there is greater focus on lifestyle and well-being. Health is a greater concern as busier schedules reduce exercise time. As Asia’s aging population finds new ways to improve their living standards, more may turn to increasingly relevant healthcare products. However, the lifestyle industry is most vulnerable to fluctuations in business cycles. With the downturn, spending is either decreased or cheaper alternatives are sought. 7. Comparison between Osim and its competitors Osim’s main competitors in the health-food industry provide competition to its subsidiary, Global Active Limited. Its main recognized competitors in the massage products markets include OGAWA, OTO Bodycare and Panasonic. Osim thus relies heavily on innovation, aggressive marketing and quality to distinguish its products from its competitors, leveraging on the fact that consumer preferences are easily influenced. Another form of competition comes in the form of imitations and inexpensive Chinese products that respectively devalue Osim’s brand and provide viable substitutes. This forces Osim to differentiate itself as a premium product and introduce a secondary brand, NOVO, to woo consumers with its affordability. With the expected future growth in the healthy lifestyle products industry and Osim’s stronghold on its base consumer markets, we expect Osim to continue outperforming its competitors, especially in its core business function. 8. Osim Financials 8. 1Company’s Financial Ratios Osim’s profitability ratios have been weakening over the last 5 years, with sharp declines from 2006 onwards. Profit margins dropped from the healthy region of 9% to 0. 6% in 2007 and finally into the negative in 2008. Other returns ratios like ROA and ROE have also dropped significantly from 2005 onwards. Osim’s sales fell from a high of S$623million in 2006 to S$457million in 2008. The low profitability ratios suggest that the company is not effectively utilizing its assets and shareholder investments to generate sales and profit, which is a cause for concern for potential investors. Its dwindling sales and profitability can be attributed to fierce competition from imitations, as mentioned above. Also, Osim spent S$149million to acquire 55% of Brookstone Inc. in 2005, which did not work out well, as Brookstone’s losses dragged down Osim’s profitability from 2006 onwards. Osim’s liquidity ratios, despite the poor financial performances in the past few years, have remained relatively stable. Current ratio has stayed consistently above 1, bar 2007, which implies that the Group is able to meet its short term liabilities with its short term assets. Interest coverage has been falling sharply, primarily due to the fall in operating profits. In order to continue its repayment of interest charges, profits have to improve. 8. 2Market Prospects 8. 2. 1Osim on its own Generally, share prices have been on a strong downward trend since 2006, with MACD crossing below zero for most of the period. Osim’s share price plunged 98% from a high of S$2. 06 in 2006 to a low of S$0. 05 in the start of 2009 before showing signs of recovery, rising from below S$0. 10 to the recent stability of around S$0. 45, an increase of more than 400% during the period from March to September 2009. The recent bullish trend has also been reflected in the strong divergence of the MACD over zero. 8. 2. 2Osim vs. Selected peers (VGO, Best World, Ogawa, Jacks) During the last 5 years, Osim fared poorly compared to its industry peers. It was the worst performing stock out of the 5 selected companies over the period from 1Q07 to 1Q09. However, focusing our attention on more recent developments, Osim’s share price has been outdoing that of its competitors significantly, due to its strong recovery since 1Q09. Osim’s stock has risen at a higher rate, and been the best performing in terms of absolute value. Another interesting factor is the recent significant increase in insider trading, with senior management aggressively purchasing the company stock and subscribing to excess shares through the company’s rights issue . Together with the hints of recovery from recent financial figures, the purchase of shares by Osim’s management and confidence shown in the company might just be the confirmatory signal of their turnaround in fortunes. 8. 2. 3Osim vs. STI On a 5-year basis, comparing the performance of Osim’s share price against the STI, we observe that generally, it has been underperforming relative to the STI. The period between mid-2005 and early 2007, which coincided with Osim’s best financial performance, saw the company outperforming the market. Since 1Q07, it has been underperforming by a large margin until the recent superior performance relative to the STI starting from April 2009. 8. 3Projected Performance Judging from the 9 month 2009 figures, sales appear to continue sluggishly and we estimate the total sales for 2009 to be inferior to that of 2008. However, EBITDA has increased by 16% as compared to the same period last year. Having fully written down the investment in Brookstone, future losses need not be accounted for, and Osim’s profit before tax is expected to improve to around S$33million for 2009, a marked improvement from 2007 and 2008. Projected profitability ratios also suggest signs of recovery with ROA and ROE estimated to be around 9. 02% and 21. 36% respectively. Liquidity ratios for the Group remain healthy as well, as at 30 Sept 2009. Post restructuring, Osim has emerged leaner, significantly cutting down expenses over the past 2 years. Hence, if sales pick up in the future, we should see a return of the high profit margins realized in the past. Osim’s current Net Asset Value (NAV) per share is S$0. 14. Compared against the average share price of around S$0. 45 over the past 2 months, the Price-to-book ratio is about 3. times, implying that the stock may be overvalued. However, the general price-to-book ratio for an average company is 7 times , showing that Osim’s share price may still rise in the future. 9. Conclusion With Ron Sim at the helm and the alignment of the senior management with company objectives, Osim stands poised to achieve its goals in the short term with its aggressive marketi ng and focus on a strong balance sheet during this time of economic uncertainty. They have earned the trust of consumers through the provision of quality products and good corporate governance. While they have effectively lowered costs, revenue remains sluggish. They plan to improve this through expansion in emerging markets as well as to take advantage of Brookstone’s strategic positioning in American markets. Whilst having derived ways to compete effectively, and with the industry expected to grow, private consumption will still be depressed amidst this period of economic recovery due to a lag effect. Defining a medium to long term as between two to five years, we thus projected that Osim, on its own will continue to be profitable as a going concern. While we recognise that outside the industry, there are many superior alternatives that have the potential to generate far better returns, which is beyond the scope of this report, we recommend that with regards to an investment solely in Osim or in the Healthy Lifestyle Products industry, Osim is clearly the worthwhile choice to invest in. Appendix A Profitability Ratios 20082007200620052004 Profit Margin (%)-21. 780. 65. 429. 299. 2 ROA (%)-46. 580. 868. 0510. 214. 6 ROE (%)-141. 921. 9619. 8728. 9726. 16 Cash Flow/Operating Revenue (%)-17. 984. 957. 8911. 812. 6 Profit Margin (%)-21. 780. 65. 429. 299. Profitability ratios measure the return earned on a company's capital and the financial cushion relative to each dollar of sales. Osim's low profitability ratios in recent years are a cause for concern. However, much can be attributed to the economic crisis and the write-off of Brookstone in 2008. Liquidity Ratios 20082007200620052004 Current Ratio1. 090. 951. 021. 111. 87 Quick Rat io0. 480. 450. 450. 671. 38 Interest Coverage-19. 052. 067. 751750. 95 Current Ratio1. 090. 951. 021. 111. 87 Generally, despite the poor performance posted in 2007 and 2008, Osim's Liquidity Ratios remained relatively stable. This implies that there are no issues regarding the solvency of the company and resources are available to meet its obligations. 20082007200620052004 P/E Ratio (%)n. a. 103. 6422. 415. 2912. 48 Dividend Payout Ratio (%)0219. 4332. 2315. 3415. 39 P/E ratio is an indicator of perceived value of a stock. Osim's unusually high P/E ratio in 2007 is due to the low EPS resulting from the poor performance posted in that year. Osim has been consistently paying out dividends until 2008. Hence, should performance improves in future, investors should expect to receive dividend payouts. Appendix B Projected Performance -Month Key FinancialsEstimated Figures for 2009 Sales335. 9450 EBITDA33. 845 Profit before Tax24. 533 Net profit16. 121 Full year figures for 2009 determined based on pro-rating 9-month figures to get conservative estimates. (in $millions)9mth 20099mth 2008% change2009 Estimated20082007200620052004 Sales335. 9346. 2-2. 98%450456. 7523. 7622. 9502. 5332. 2 EBITDA33. 829. 116%453935. 476. 754. 545. 4 Profit before Tax24. 5-19. 5225. 64%33-92. 25. 443. 651. 435. 3 Net profit16. 1-26161. 92%21-99. 53. 735. 845. 630. 8 (in $millions)9mth 20099mth 2008% change2009 Estimated20082007200620052004 Sales335. 9346. 2-2. 98%450456. 7523. 7622. 502. 5332. 2 EBITDA33. 829. 116%453935. 476. 754. 545. 4 Estimated Financial Ratios for 2009 (With Balance Sheet as at 30 Sept 2009) Profit Margin (%)4. 67 ROA (%)9. 02 ROE (%)21. 36 Current Ratio at B/S date1. 16 2009 figures suggest Osim is on the road to recovery. Projected Profit before Tax show improvement compared to 2008 and 2007, though not to the extent of 2006's high. Compared to 1st half of 2008, 2009 has shown improvement in EBITDA even though sales continue to be weak. .Charts with Projected 2009 Ratios Appendix C Osim Stock Charts 5-Year 1-Year Comparison against STI 5-Year 1-Year Comparison Competitors 5-Year 1-Year -Year Absolute 1-Year Absolute Appendix D Insider Trades Announcement DateBuyerNumber of Shares (Ã¢â‚¬Ë œ000) 23/2/09Ron Sim2002 13/3/093466 17/3/09953 27/3/0996150 31/3/09200 1/4/09200 6/4/092700 9/4/096500 Subtotal112171 23/2/09Peter Lee320 13/3/09950 31/3/09550 9/10/09270 Subtotal2090 23/2/09Richard Leow300 23/2/09Ong Kian Min1618 24/2/091000 2/4/09752 23/2/09Michael Kan300 2/4/09218 23/2/09Charlie Teo300 27/3/09365 6/4/09100 2/4/09Khor Peng Soon16 Subtotal4969 Total119230 Appendix E ? Appendix F Japan’s quality in manufacturing was taken from Fundamentals of Composites Manufacturing: Materials, Methods, and Applications by A. Brent Strong
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Reaction Paper in Food and Nutrition Essay
1. What are the dishes served at World Buffet? Group these dishes according to its main nutrients. Different foods are served at World Buffet just like a Japanese cuisines like sushi, maki and tempura. There are also western foods that are served at World Buffet just like US Roast Beef, Spanish Paella and Mexican Burritos. All of them are examples of foods that are served in a World Buffet. Desserts are also present in a World Buffet and these sweets are cakes, candies, brownies, fruit salads, and many more. Drinks are also there to make you feel refreshed and they different kinds of beverages like water, smoothies, shakes, juice, lemonades and green tea to lessen the â€Å"umay†(sorry ma’am there is no English word for this). 2. What dishes did you enjoy eating and why? When I heard of global cuisine, I assumed that there will be plenty of food to select from, and I’m right. They offer dishes from different countries around the world. When we got there, there’s a long line of people, in short we must line-up also. So after minutes of waiting we already got our table. We just place our bags in our chairs and ready to get our foods. When we are getting our foods we don’t know what to get because of so many choices from Japanese foods, Italian, Chinese, American, etc. I like the turkey so much, the lamb also taste good. Fruit shake especially four season is so refreshing!! The desserts are also delicious. Tempura is also good and their kebabs. They also have the grilling station where you can choose raw fish or meat and they will grill that for you and deliver right at your table. We had a great time on our visit. I want to come back again and try the dishes I didn’t eat. 3. Knowing what food/dishes you ate trace what happened to all nutrients in your meal from mouth to gastrointestinal tract. Carbohydrates: The digestible carbohydrates are broken into simpler fragments by enzymes in the saliva, in juice produced by the pancreas, and in the lining of the small intestine. Starch is digested in two steps. First, an enzyme in the saliva and pancreatic juice breaks the starch into molecules called maltose; then an enzyme in the lining of the small intestine splits the maltose into glucose molecules that can be absorbed into the blood. Glucose is carried through the bloodstream to the liver, where it is stored or used to provide energy for the work of the body. Table sugar is another carbohydrate that must be digested to be useful. An enzyme in the lining of the small intestine digests table sugar into glucose and fructose, each of which can be absorbed from the intestinal cavity into the blood. Milk contains yet another type of sugar, lactose, which is changed into absorbable molecules by an enzyme called lactase, also found in the intestinal lining. Protein: Further digestion of the protein is completed in the small intestine. Here, several enzymes from the pancreatic juice and the lining of the intestine carry out the breakdown of huge protein molecules into small molecules called amino acid . These small molecules can be absorbed from the hollow of the small intestine into the blood and then be carried to all parts of the body to build the walls and other parts of cells. Fats: The first step in digestion of a fat such as butter is to dissolve it into the watery content of the intestinal cavity. The bile acids produced by the liver act as natural detergents to dissolve fat in water and allow the enzymes to break the large fat molecules into smaller molecules, some of which are fatty acids and cholesterol. The bile acids combine with the fatty acids and cholesterol and help these molecules to move into the cells of the mucosa. In these cells the small molecules are formed back into large molecules, most of which pass into vessels near the intestine. These small vessels carry the reformed fat to the veins of the chest, and the blood carries the fat to storage depots in different parts of the body. Vitamins: The large, hollow organs of the digestive system contain muscle that enables their walls to move. The movement of organ walls can propel food and liquid and also can mix the contents within each organ. Typical movement of the esophagus, stomach, and intestine is called peristalsis. The action of peristalsis looks like an ocean wave moving through the muscle. The muscle of the organ produces a narrowing and then propels the narrowed portion slowly down the length of the organ. These waves of narrowing push the food and fluid in front of them through each hollow organ.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Sachin Tendulkar
Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar (English pronunciation: /s t n t? n? du? lk? r/ ( listen); born 24 April 1973)[1] is an Indian cricketer widely acknowledged as the greatestbatsman in One Day Internationals[2] and second only to Don Bradman in the all time greatest list in Test cricket. [3] In 2002, The Wisden ranked him the second greatest Test batsman of all time, behind Don Bradman, and the second greatest one-day-international (ODI) batsman of all time, behind Viv Richards. [4] Tendulkar was a part of the 2011 Cricket World Cup winning Indian team in the later part of his career, his first such win in six World Cup appearances for India. 5] He was also the recipient of â€Å"Player of the Tournament†award of the 2003 Cricket World Cup held in South Africa. Tendulkar won the 2010 Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy for cricketer of the year at the ICC awards. [6] He has been recommended for the receipt of the Bharat Ratna award, in fact it has been speculated that the criteria for the award of the Bharat Ratna was changed to allow him receive the award. [7][8] He is also a member of Rajya Sabha ofParliament of India. [9] Tendulkar passed 30,000 runs in international cricket on 20 November 2009.On 5 December 2012, Tendulkar became first batsman in history to cross the 34,000 run aggregate in all formats of the game put together. [10][11][12] At 36 years and 306 days, he became the first ever player to score a double-century in the history of ODIs. Two years later he became the first player to score 100 international centuries. As of December 2012, Tendulkar has played 657 matches in international cricket. [13] Tendulkar has been honoured with the Padma Vibhushan award, India's second highest civilian award, and the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award, India's highest sporting honour.He was also the first sportsperson and the first one without aviat ionbackground to be awarded the honorary rank of Group Captain by the Indian Air Force. Tendulkar has received honorary doctorates from University of Mysore andRajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. [14][15] Sachin holds the 19th rank in ICC Player Rankings for Test batsmen as of 17 March 2013. [16] On 1 August 2012, Sachin Tendulkar was nominated for the ICC People's Choice award for the third time. [17] In 2012, he was nominated to Rajya Sabha, the upper house of theParliament of India.Sachin Tendulkar was named as an Honorary Member of the Order of Australia in 2012. [18] On 23 December 2012, Tendulkar announced his retirement from ODIs. [19][20][21][22] Tendulkar has already stated that he will not be playing T20 Internationals [23] Contents  [hide] * 1 Early years and personal life * 1. 1 Beliefs * 2 Early domestic career * 3 International career * 3. 1 Early career * 3. 2 Rise through the ranks * 3. 3 Captaincy * 3. 4 Injuries and apparent decline * 3. 5 Return to old form and consistency * 3.  2007/08 tour of Australia * 3. 7 Home series against South Africa * 3. 8 Sri Lanka Series * 3. 9 Return to form and breaking the record * 3. 10 ODI and Test Series against England * 3. 11 2009–2010 * 3. 12 2011 World Cup and after * 3. 12. 1 100th international century * 3. 12. 2 Return To Ranji Trophy and retirement from ODIs * 4 Indian Premier League and Champions League * 5 Style of play * 6 Controversies * 6. 1 Mike Denness incident * 6. 2 Ferrari import tax * 7 Fan following * 8 Business interests * 8.  Commercial endorsements * 9 Political career * 10 Career achievements * 10. 1 Individual honours and appreciations * 10. 1. 1 National honours * 10. 1. 2 Other honours * 11 Philanthropy * 12 Biographies * 13 See also * 14 Further reading * 15 Notes * 16 References * 17 Externa l links| â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Early years and personal life Tendulkar was born on 24 April 1973 into a Rajapur Saraswat Brahmin family in Bombay (now Mumbai). [24][25][26] His father Ramesh Tendulkar was a reputed Marathi novelist and his mother Rajni worked in the insurance industry. 27] Ramesh named Tendulkar after his favourite music director, Sachin Dev Burman. Tendulkar has three elder siblings: two half-brothers Nitin and Ajit, and a half-sister Savita. They were Ramesh's children from his first marriage. [28] He spent his formative years in the Sahitya Sahawas Cooperative Housing Society, Bandra (East), Bombay. As a young boy, Tendulkar was considered a bully, and often picked up fights with new children in his school. [29] He also showed an interest in tennis, idolising John McEnroe. [30] To help curb his mischievous and bu llying tendencies, Ajit introduced him to cricket in 1984.He introduced the young Sachin to Ramakant Achrekar, a famous cricket coach of Bombay and a club cricketer of repute, at Shivaji Park, Dadar, Bombay. Achrekar was impressed with Tendulkar's talent and advised him to shift his schooling to Sharadashram Vidyamandir (English) High School,[1] a school at Dadar which had a dominant cricket team and had produced many notable cricketers. [31] Prior to this, Tendulkar had attended the Indian Education Society's New English School in Bandra (East). [31] He was also coached under the guidance of Achrekar at Shivaji Park in the mornings and evenings. 32] Tendulkar would practice for hours on end in the nets. If he became exhausted, Achrekar would put a one-rupee coin on the top of the stumps, and the bowler who dismissed Tendulkar would get the coin. If Tendulkar passed the whole session without getting dismissed, the coach would give him the coin. Tendulkar n ow considers the 13 coins he won then as some of his most prized possessions. [33] He moved in with his aunt and uncle, who lived near Shivaji Park, during this period, due to his hectic schedule. [31] Sachin Tendulkar and his wife Anjali Meanwhile at school, he developed a reputation as a child prodigy.He had become a common conversation point in Mumbai cricketing circles, where there were suggestions already that he would become one of the greats. Besides school cricket, he also played club cricket, initially representing John Bright Cricket Club in Bombay's premier club cricket tournament, the Kanga League,[31] and later went on to play for the Cricket Club of India. [34]In 1987, at the age of 14, he attended the MRF Pace Foundation in Madras (now Chennai) to train as a fast bowler, but Australian fast bowler Dennis Lillee, who took a world record 355 Test wickets, was unimpressed, suggesting that Tendulkar focus on his batting instead. 35]A couple of mont hs later, former Indian batsman Sunil Gavaskar gave him a pair of his own ultra light pads. â€Å"It was the greatest source of encouragement for me,†Tendulkar said nearly 20 years later after surpassing Gavaskar's world record of 34 Test centuries. [36] His season in 1988 was extraordinary, with Tendulkar scoring a century in every innings he played. He was involved in an unbroken 664-runpartnership in a Lord Harris Shield inter-school game against Anjuman-E-Islam High School in 1988 with his friend and team-mateVinod Kambli, who would also go on to represent India.The destructive pair reduced one bowler to tears and made the rest of the opposition unwilling to continue the game. Tendulkar scored 326 (not out) in this innings and scored over a thousand runs in the tournament. [37] This was a record partnership in any form of cricket until 2006, when it was broken by two under-13 batsmen in a match held at Hyderabad in India. On 24 May 1995,[38] at th e age of 22, Tendulkar married Anjali, a paediatrician and daughter of Gujarati industrialist Anand Mehta and British social worker Annabel Mehta.Anjali is six years his senior. [39] They have two children, Sara (born 12 October 1997) and Arjun (born 24 September 1999). Arjun, a left handed batsman, has recently been included in under-14 probables list of Mumbai Cricket Association for off-season training camp. In January 2013 he was selected in mumbai under-14 team for the west zone league [40] Beliefs Tendulkar is known to be a religious person,[41] and an ardent devotee of Sathya Sai Baba of Puttaparthi. [42][43][44] He has visited Puttaparthi on several occasions to seek Baba's blessings. 42][45] In 1997, Tendulkar captained the Indian National side, playing against a World Eleven team, in the Unity Cup which was held at the hill view stadium in Puttaparthi, in Baba's presence. [46][47] After Sai Baba's death, Tendulkar broke into tears when h e saw the body of Baba in Puttaparthi, and cancelled his birthday celebrations. [48][49][50] The cricketer is also known to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi at home and frequently visits temples during night when it is calm and quiet. [41][51] The cricketer has also offered his prayers at several other Hindu temples across the country. 52][53] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Early domestic career On 14 November 1987, Tendulkar was selected to represent Bombay in the Ranji Trophy, India's premier domestic first-class crickettournament, for the 1987–88 season. However, he was not selected for the final eleven in any of the matches. [31] A year later, on 11 December 1988, aged just 15 years and 232 days, Tendulkar made his debut for Bombay against Gujarat at home and scored 100 not out in that match, making him the youngest Indian to score a century on fir st-class debut.He was handpicked to play for the team by the then Mumbai captain Dilip Vengsarkar after watching him easily negotiating India's best fast bowler at the time, Kapil Dev, in theWankhede Stadium nets,[1] where the Indian team had come to play against the touring New Zealand team. He followed this by scoring a century in his first Deodhar and Duleep Trophies, which are also Indian domestic tournaments. [54] Tendulkar finished the 1988–89 season as Bombay's highest run-scorer. [note 1][55] He also made an unbeaten century in the Irani Trophy match against Delhi at the start of the 1989–90 season, playing for the Rest of India. 56] In 1992, at the age of 19, Tendulkar became the first overseas-born player to represent Yorkshire, which prior to Tendulkar joining the team, never selected players even from other English counties. [1][note 2] Selected for Yorkshire as a replacement for the injuredAustralian fast bow ler Craig McDermott, Tendulkar played 16 first-class matches for the county and scored 1070 runs at an average of 46. 52. [57] His first double century was for Mumbai while playing against the visiting Australian team at the Brabourne Stadium in 1998. [1] He is the only player to score a century in all three of his domestic first-class debuts. 58] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- International career Early career Raj Singh Dungarpur is credited for the selection of Tendulkar for the Indian tour of Pakistan in late 1989,[59] and that also after just one first class season. [60] The Indian selection committee had shown interest in selecting Tendulkar for the tour of the West Indies held earlier that year, but eventually did not select him, as they did not want him to be exposed to the dominant fast bowlers of the West Indies so early in his career. Tendulka r mad
Friday, September 13, 2019
Toyota Motor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Toyota Motor - Essay Example As per the figures available, TMEM had complied with its market demands in 2000 by importing 76 % of the automobile spares from the Japanese plants and assembling them in its European plants. For the next fiscal year, the company reported operating losses of JPY 9.897 billions. The main problem TMEM faced here was simple but peculiar. As the euro was continuously trekking down, except for a few occasions, the revenues in shape of euros did not equal to the expenditure figures when converted into JPY. This cycle repeated all over for three years since the inception of TMEM pushing itself into losses. In addition to these conversion losses, the Japanese subsidiary had to contend with reduced margins on sales in an atmosphere abetted by cut throat competition from the native automobile manufacturers compounding its problems further. as it had to shell down more Euro currency at times towards pound sterling payments made to the UK plant which also supplied automobiles after assembling them. TMEM was caught in this vicious circle of currency conversion. The parent company played the role of an observer as it could not afford to make payments direct from its coffers on behalf of its subsidiary. However, in such a case, it could have been forced to lose more JPY reserves as the yen was playing low against the pound sterling. From this circle of operations, one thing is emerging clearly. The parent company had miscalculated the future of euro and expected an early forward march of its value in international markets. It also expected an early entry of the UK into the European Monetary Union (EMU). These two miscalculations had boomeranged on its operations in Europe leading to its ever increasing dependence on a weak euro. TMEM's problem has therefore been the result of a wrong analysis on the future of the newly cre ated euro currency. The following charts (Internet, graphs) show how the pound and yen values against the euro picked up from 1991 to 2001. In the beginning of 1991, the euro value was equal to 0. 712825 GBP. During the end of 2001, it equalled to 0.618756 GBP indicating gains for the pound.
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